
Metamorphic Way of Change

Mūátra is perhaps the most well-known of the magic forms among the non-initiated. Stories of witches turning hapless peasants into dogs or toads fill many local legends. Though few can recall having witnessed such displays, many more will tell that it happened not a few years past, in a nearby town whose name is somehow elusive.

Mūátra is the Way of change. The study of Mūátra revolves around the common philosophy that all things exist in a state of continuing transformation. Using this foundation, Mūátra magics are simply a means of nudging those transformative forces to create new and often bizarre permutations.

Change is sometimes inobvious. The state of “whole” and the state of “fracture” (sometimes referred to as “whole multiplication”) are completely different states that may appear identical to the lay observer. Some might think that a shattered jar is still a jar, but the Mūátra adept might observe that the jar has undergone a metamorphosis into many distinct entities. To attain this result, a non-Mūátra magician might “destroy” the jar by the application of force to reduce it to fragments. A Mūátra adept might instead “create” new-wholes from the original-whole. Though the effect is similar (i.e. the jar is reduced to little pieces) on a metaphysical level the cause and result is very different.

Most change is temporary. It is against the most basic principles of Mūátra for anything to remain constant or at rest. Therefore, change initiated by these magics eventually trend back toward their original state or trajectory. It is possible to prolong the reversal of change, but only while dabbling in Pyrádra magics.




