
The World of Teréth End is a cacophonous soup of dozens of Awakened races speaking hundreds of different languages. Communication between kingdoms, regions, and continents can be very challenging. Not only are there national, regional, ethnic, and trade languages, but there also racial tongues, guild lexica, and endless dialects to contend with. It is imperative that travelers, merchants, and adventurers learn a number of tongues and sometimes supplement their knowledge with magics to ease translation.

Language and script are distinct skills. A language skill allows a character to speak and understand a language while a script skill allows a character to read and write. It is often the case that one script may be used for many languages, in which case it only needs to be fully learned once and then learned to broken thereafter (rf. BASp24). Additionally, learning a new language is easier if the student already knows a related language. The history of Yrūni languages are well-documented.


The evolution of language in the World of Teréth End is closely tied to the migrations of its races (e.g., Dwürden, Ortor, Yrūn). Language changes when a people move extensively, settle in remote areas, or are otherwise isolated from their originating cultures. In the Third and Fourth Ages, most changes in language have been due to a blending of cultures. One of the few exceptions to this has been the adoption of Old Æzàlaric, which is used from Lyrast to Teréðor as a trade tongue (i.e., Tradespeak). The use of Old Æzàlaric is one of many cultural vestiges of the Dekàli Empire.

Non-Yrūn Languages



  • Aqōlàhqbāeqôl (EylAq.)
  • Dirēagôl (NeyDr.)
  • Icharagôl (EylIc.)
  • Niragôl (NeyNe.)
  • Sōlàhrāegôl (EylSo.)
  • (EylAn.)


  • Ortòric (Ort.)
    • Negk Agrūkic (NAg.) Language of Tassèri Ortor; sublanguage of Ortòric
    • Orgrūkic (Org.) Language of Teréðori Ortor; sublanguage of Ortòric


  • Shalambh (Sha.)
    • Shalàmbh Alas (ShaA.); sublanguage of Shalambh
    • Shalàmbh Dsara (ShaD.); sublanguage of Shalambh
    • Shalàmbh Nul (ShaN.); sublanguage of Shalambh
    • Shalàmbh Shadas (ShaS.); sublanguage of Shalambh


  • Urdàric, Teréðori (UrdTr.)
    • Valúrdic (ValUrd.); Evàlshati sublanguage of Teréðori Urdàric
    • Oðúrdic (OthTr.); Oðári sublanguage of Teréðori Urdàric

Other Non-Yrūn

  • Odáradic (Cha.)
  • Crawwok (Cra.)
  • Dragulic (Dra.)
  • Duinic (Dui.)
  • Etharic (Eth.)
  • Feyric (Fey.)
  • Grūgànðic (OgdG.); language of Ogdàr Grūmun
  • Golgzòlic (Gol.); language of Golgzol
  • Iqit-ti (Iki.) Tri-iq; language of Tiki Ikittir
  • Itikir (Itk.); Dead language
  • Neðàric (Neth.)
  • Nōen (LoeN.)
  • Odhoro (Odh.)
  • Ogdàri (Ogd.)
  • Shulut (Shu.)
  • Unknown / Lost Etymology (Unkn.)
  • Urok (Hor.); language of the Hôrk

Yrūn Languages

  • Askeral Askeral
  • Early Azal Old Old Aylyravar
  • Early Ælyri (Ēōyn) Sereph
  • Early Ēōyn Old Old Aylyravar, Askeral (rare)
  • Early Jædðar Late Davar
  • Early Tūkic Old Korsk, Old Nazari (rare)
  • Evir Lyral, High Lyral, Askeral (rare)
  • Lanas Lorik, Old Aylyravar
  • Late Æzàlaric Æzàvar, Serephvar (rare)
  • Late Ēōyn Aylyravar, Old Aylyravar
  • Salvok Korsk, Old Korsk (rare)
  • Tasseral Serephvar


During the earliest migrations, a hearty people ventured far away from their southern brethren. These people traveled long and hard through bleak lands and along the mountainous coasts of eastern Lyrast. The earliest settlement of the Nazari is Isidvir, now part of southern Sarask. If Nazari settlements existed south of this remote locale, none remain.

Though Nazari culture was maintained over much of northern Lyrast, the people were very widespread and their language changed greatly from place to place. In the northeastern reaches of the continent lived the Lyran-Kyrim, the region that now includes Harlor and Orval. Almost 6,000 years ago, the Lyran-Kyrim disappeared. These people are believed to have migrated east across the Endless Sea to Teréðor, for the people that appeared there share some linguistic artifacts with present day Varsti. Some sages believe that the Lyran-Kyrim must have crossed a Jȳar land-bridge; though the existence of such causeways is suspect.

Whoever the new Teréðori were, they found themselves in a hostile land. Those that could not return to their homelands pushed south along the Teréðori coast. The Na’Lir found refuge in the mountains where they met and were welcomed by the Dwürden. This sub-group of the Lyran-Kyrim underwent drastic change within a century’s time due to the Great Secret (Orddorum Trodum). The Na’Lir found themselves increasingly unwelcome, and move eastward, settling in the mountain valleys. The language of this fragmented people has evolved into hundreds of others, many of which exist to the present day.

Other members of the Lyrasti-Nazar who spread westward across the frozen steppes of Lyrast, became the Nuir. The Nuir region includes areas now known as Kitalsk, Varsta, and Zirak, and stretches around the coast of the Mar Odìmis and finally into Solorn. To this day the people of these areas share common traditions and a similar language, though the languages become more different the further from Isidvir one travels. The language of distant Solorn were heavily influenced by the Vuldir who settled nearby lands.

  • Dur Saram /Durik, Runik/
  • Early Nuir /Nuir, Kyrmic (rare)/
  • Early Panæði /Old Anū Gyðic, Sharan/
  • Early Teréðori /Old Naviran, Nazari (rare)/
  • Eastern Teréðori /Naviran, Old Naviran (rare)/
  • Endrul /Endrul, Naviran (rare)/
  • Late Panæði /Any Gythic, Old Anū Gyðic (rare)/
  • Late Teréðori /Naviran/
  • Shar /Sharan, Nazari (rare)/
  • Teréðori-Na’Lir /Nazari, Kyrmic/


The Vulmur left Lyrast at an early time, establishing themselves in Vulmùra more than 7,000 years ago (circa 841 ER). It is believed the Vulmur traveled across the continent’s northern reaches, probably assisted by Eylfāe hoping to initiate land struggles between the Yrūn and Dwürden. Some Yrūn settled for a time in northern Vulmùra but upon learning of the fertile coasts beyond the mountains, pushed southward. This migration instigated the first Dwürden-Yrūn War that would eventually bisect the great Dwürdèni kingdoms of Dirün and Thirün; believed to be a great victory by Eylfāe accounts.

The Lyran-Vuldir (Vulmur) found their way to southern Vulmùra during the second millennium of the Third Age. The way had been barred to earlier migrations of Onno, but passage is believed to have been brokered by the Eylfāe when escalating Vulmùran tensions between Yrūn and Dwürden were noted. This migration is also credited with the development of ships to carry the people from present Kaldakul to distant Neyem, a daunting journey for primitive seamen. The descendants of these people would become some of the world’s foremost shippers, settling in lands from Neyem to Tarantis. These early Acentyryr encountered another people (also of Vulmur descendant) already living around the Mar Acentyri having migrated south from the northlands of Tūkùmun and Wurm. The people did not recognize each other as kindred however, and despite war with the Dwürden (who were watching the erosion of their lands) fought bitterly between themselves. Acentra would not be united until Braddagir was crowned High King at the end of the Third Age.

  • Acèntyri, Early (AceE.) /Ancient Acentyri, Old Vulmur (rare)/
  • Celèdic, Early (CelE.) /Old Acentyri/
  • Paldànic, Early (PaldE.) /Old Acentyri/
  • Acèntyric, Late (Acen.) /Old Acènytri, Ancient Acèntyri, Old Luran (rare)/
    • Illyric (Illr.); sublanguage of Late Acèntyric
      • Arádamic (Arad.); Arádami sublanguage of Illyric
      • Çambìric (Chmb.); sublanguage of Illyric
      • Ēádēánic (Eadn.); Ēádēáni sublanguage of Illyric
      • Illìuric (Iliu.); sublanguage of Illyric
      • Kalðìric (Kalð.); sublanguage of Illyric
      • Kāðanic (Kaðn.); sublanguage of Illyric
      • Liríllixic (Lirl.); sublanguage of Illyric
  • Lur Murdas (LurM.) /Luran, Old Luran (rare)/
  • Lur Virid (LurV.) /Old Luran, Old Vulmur, Askeral (rare)/
  • Moreic (Mor.) /Old Acentyri, Runik/: Language of Moreun
  • Vir Aldur (VirA.) /Old Vulmur (rare)/:

Andul Allyri

The Andul Allyra Empire ruled the inland seas of Vulmùra for 873 years (i.e., Years of the Wyrm). Following a protracted civil war, the region was carved into a number of independent nations aligned along ancient tribal structures that predated unification under Braddagir the Great. Because the ancient Acentyri languages were subsumed into Early Acentyri (a throwback to the Lyran-Vuldir), many relics of the antecedent tongue resurfaced.

  • Acentyri, Early (AceE.) /Ancient Acèntyran, Old Vulmur (rare)/
  • Acentyri, Middle (AceM.) /Old Acenytrean, Ancient Acèntyran (rare), Old Luran (rare)/
  • Acentyri, Late (Acen.)
  • Celedic (Cel.) /Old Acèntyran/
  • Celedic, Early (CelE.) /Old Acèntyran/
  • Dirimoric (Dir.) Language of Dirimor
  • Kant-Antir (KanA.) Language of Kantris
  • Lur Murdas (LurM.) /Luran, Old Luran (rare)/
  • Lur Virid (LurV.) /Old Luran, Old Vulmur, Askeral (rare)/
  • Moreic (Mor.) /Old Acèntyran, Runik/: Language of Moreun
  • Paldàriic (Pald.) /Old Acèntyran/:
  • Paldàriic, Early (PaldE.) /Old Acèntyran/
  • Tara-Antir (TarA.): Language of Tarantis
  • Vir Aldur (VirA.) /Old Vulmur (rare)/:
  • Viríllic (Vir.): Language of Viríllis


Though the Lanàdyr claim Dekàlic as their linguistic legacy, the contributions of the early islanders (i.e., Lanàdic) were mostly subsumed by the more advanced Panæðyr (i.e., Late Panæðic). Extant copies of Lanàdic are almost entirely dissimilar to even the earliest forms of the Old Empire tongue. Conversely, the earliest Dekàlic script (i.e., Low Davar) is cursorily indistinguishable from Anū Gyðic. Following the fall of the Old Empire, the languages of the divided region evolved separately. Most kingdoms underwent substantial linguistic changes, which are today categorized as Old and Current dialects (e.g., Old Oðic and Oðic, Old Taldànic and Taldànic). Although defined here as different languages, they are in fact variations of the preceding tongue, each stepping forward from the original Dekàlic.

  • Dekàlic, Early (DekE.) Low Davar, Runik; Grammar; Dead language; 2nd – 6th cent. HK
  • Dekàlic, Middle (DekM.) Davar; Grammar; Dead language; 6th – 10th cent. HK
  • Dekàlic, Late (DekL.) High Davar; Grammar; Dead language; 10th cent. HK – 2nd cent. DR
    • Æzàlaric, Old (ÆzaO., Trade.) Early Æzávar; Æzàlari sublanguage of Late Dekàlic
      • Æzàlaric (Æza.) Æzávar; Æzàlari sublanguage of Old Æzàlaric
    • Ildûnic, Old (IldO.); Ildûni sublanguage of Late Dekàlic
      • Ildûnic1 (Ild.) Ildùvar; sublanguage of Old Ildûnic
    • Jædðàric (Jæd.) Late Davar, High Davar (rare); Jædðàri sublanguage of Late Dekàlic
    • Kændàlic, Old (KænO.) High Davar, Old Kændàvar (rare); Kændàli sublanguage of Late Dekàlic
      • Kændàlic (Kæn.) Kændàvar; sublanguage of Old Kændàlic and Ancient Kændàlic
    • Lanàdric, Old (LanO.); Lanàdi sublanguage of Late Dekàlic
      • Lanàdric (Lan.) Late Davar, High Davar (rare); sublanguage of Old Lanàdric
    • Oðic, Old (OðO.) Early Oðávar, High Davar; Oðári sublanguage of Late Dekàlic, 2nd – 5th cent. DR
      • Oðic (Oð.) Late Oðávar; sublanguage of Old Oðic, 5th cent. DR to present
      • Oðic-Swall (OðSw.) Sulsàdteri sublanguage of Old Oðic; 5th cent. DR to present
    • Panæðic, Old (PanO.) High Davar, Panævar (rare); Panæði sublanguage of Late Dekàlic
      • Panæðic (Pan.) Panævar, High Davar (rare); sublanguage Old Panæðic
    • Saránðic (Sar.) Sarád Davàr, High Davar (rare); Saránði sublanguage of Late Dekàlic
    • Taldànic, Old (TalO.); Old Taldàvar, High Davar; Taldàni sublanguage of Late Dekàlic
      • Taldànic (Tal.) Taldàvar; sublanguage of Old Taldànic
    • Ummònic (Umm.) Ummàvar; Ummòni sublanguage of Late Dekàlic
    • Zyrric (Zyr.) High Davar; Zyrri sublanguage of Late Dekàlic

    1 Ildûnic is a post-Dekàlic language that evolved by inheriting aspects of the preceding Late Ēōyn tongue, which had been kept alive within the primitive oppressed cultures of Ælyra. With the yoke of the Old Empire removed from the island, the people began to speak the old language freely, and it quickly became part of a new language, i.e., Ildûnic.

    The evolution of the Old Empire middle languages were spurred by the isolating of entire regions following the Empire’s fragmentation and a push to simplify the classic scripts to make the written language(s) more accessible to the public. Literacy became more common in the post-Dekàlas period than at any time beforehand. Simplification of High Davar typically took the form of a lettered alphabet rather than syllabic hieroglyphics. Not only did this change result in fewer symbols, but made the printing process much more manageable and affordable.

    Some post-Dekàlic languages have changed more than others. Jædðàric for instance, has not changed much since the Second Acèntyra-Dekàli War. For this reason, sages do not consider there to be an “Old Jædðàric” language. Also, because modern Jædðàric still utilizes the High Davar script, readers of that language find it easier to read and translate Dekàlic. Interestingly, modern speakers of High Dekàlic each speak the language differently, depending on what region they learned it in. The differences represent changes that had begun to emerge within Dekàlic as early as the Middle Empire. The introduction of High Dekàlic was a concerted effort by scholars and priests of the time, to save the parent language in an increasingly cosmopolitan world.

    Most eastern Teréðori languages are related to High Dekàlic, even if the people of the regions do not consider themselves inheritors of the Old Empire. Examples of these areas are Carámis, Ezmir, and Olood.


    • Saráddic (Kir.) Kirydávar
      • Dalídaric (Dal.); Dalídari sublanguage of Saráddic
      • Kerámerákic (Ker.); Kerámeráki sublanguage of Saráddic
      • Lorric (Lor.); Lorri sublanguage of Saráddic
      • Lursūric (Lur.); Lursūri sublanguage of Saráddic
      • Malázanic, Old (MalO.); Malázani sublanguage of Saráddic
        • Malàzanic (Mal.); sublanguage of Old Malázanic
      • Mulūkic, Old (MulO.); Mulūki sublanguage of Saráddic
        • Mulūkic (Mul.); sublanguage of Old Mulūkic
      • Sivìranic (Siv.) Sivìrani sublanguage of Saráddic
      • Varjùlic, Old (VarjO.); Varjùli sublanguage of Saráddic
        • Varjùlic (Varj.); sublanguage of Old Varjùlic


    • Serájic (Sera.); Dead language
      • Caphàric (Caph.) Caphàri sublanguage of Serájic
      • Darázjic (Darj.) Darázji sublanguage of Serájic
      • Qamàric (Qamr.) Qamàri sublanguage of Serájic
      • Shōphùric (Shop.) Shōphùri sublanguage of Serájic


    • Chardic (DaC.); Archaic language of Da Char
    • Jadakthic (Jadk.); Archaic language of Jadaktha
    • Julunic (KirJ.); Archaic language of Kir Julun
    • Tajn, Old (Taj.); Archaic language of Tajn Ajr, now Zalū
    • Zalic (Zal.) Language of the Zalū Empire, orig. Early Zalic
    • Zalic, Early (ZalE.); Archaic mélange of Chardic, Jadakthic, Julunic, and Old Tajn

    Other Yrūn

    • Æzàlaric, Late (ÆzaL.) /Æzàlari, Sereph (rare)/: Dead language
    • Ēōyni (Ēōyn.) Language of Ælyri-Ildûnan
    • Ezmiri (Ezm.) /Ezmirik, Taldàvar (rare)/: Language of Ezmir
    • Ilviran (Ilv.)
    • Jrjikic (Djk.) Language of Dirinjik
    • Kændàlic, Late (AKæn.); Dead language
    • Kylìra (Kal.); Language of Kalthoram
    • Lanadic (Ldc.); Dead language
    • Nūlēun (NūlV.)
    • Panæðic, Late (APan.) /Anū Gyðic, Old Anū Gyðic (rare)/: Dead language
    • Skürwn (Skw.)
    • Unknown / Lost Etymology (Unkn.)
    • Wōdic (Wod.)
    • Wurmish (Wur.)
    • Yadarish (Yad.) Language of Yadar

    Language as it existed before Dekàli influences