
Metamorphic Way of Enchantment

Sorádra is the Way of imbuing non-magical material or creatures with magic. One way which Sorádra differs from Mūátra is that it changes function without altering form. An ancient art, Sorádra is the foundation for all talisman and magic item creation.

There are three classes of magic vessels:

  • Enchanted. An enchanted item or creature contains the essence of magic for a period of time. Objects imbued with magic shed magic. Items containing a great deal of magic shed a greater amount of magic. This degree of shedding is an object’s “radiance”. Radiance is a reaction between stored magic and the surrounding Chaos. The Chaos “seeks” to liberate all magic, releasing it back into the Skein. During the process, the object which stores the magic begins to deteriorate as the touch of Chaos is corrosive. Although entropic decay is a natural process for enchanted objects, not all magical objects share this fate.
  • Draining. Some objects and places absorb magic energy. It is unclear whether “drained” magics are drawn back into the Skein, or lost forever. The Eylfāe have been documenting this phenomena for Ages and credit it with their inability to “leave” the World of Teréth End. Part of the reason why no one has pieced together why Draining occurs is because the Immortal Races have no trust for one another. Unknown to the rest of the world, the Dwürden have much to contribute on this subject matter. Tradition however, compels the Dwürden to keep the knowledge and responsibility close.
  • Generating. Some objects and creatures generate magic energy. The most dramatic organic examples of this phenomena are the Eylfāe and Dragul. It is believed that all Bloodlings generated magic in this manner. No one is certain where the magic comes from, though there are many theories. One theory held by Dekàli magicians in the 10th century HK was that these creatures were living conduits between the Outer and the Waking worlds. While the theory presented a simple solution, it did not withstand a hundred years of tests performed upon Eylfāe prisoners.

It is supposed that the interaction of enchanted, draining, and generating subjects creates the tides of magic found within the World of Teréth End.

Although familiars and animal companions are typically cataloged as Barátrū, homunculi remain the quintessential achievement of Sorádra magic.

Notables of Sorádra include: Elzùndir of Korem Tor, Illyya the Old, Madkurð of Oð, Silvrust the Dying.



  • Eshru’s Binding (sorádra Kadàktrū)
  • Illyya’s Bind (sorádra Teréðrū)
  • Illyya’s Sorkèrtrum (sorádra Teréðrū)
  • Madkurð’s Mirror (sorádra Pyrádrū)
  • Salana’s Curse (sorádra Kadàktrū)
  • Silvrust’s Severing Edge (sorádra Teréðrū)
  • Silvrust’s Swordedge (sorádra Teréðrū)


  • Geas of the Gods (sorádra Kadàktrū)
  • The Imagined Mark (sorádra Kadàktrū) q.v. The Illuminated
  • Servant of Bones (sorádra Or Dnùrū)
  • Sleep of Death (sorádra Or Dnùrū)



  • Mesral’s Ley Compendia. An accordion book of vellum pages sandwiched between two beautifully polished wood panels. The cover craftsmanship is of inhuman quality which both attracts and repels Yrūn collectors. The book was originally bound closed with a black leather strap and wood button. Mesral’s Ley Compendia details principles for imbuing mundane and quality objects with ley magics. Much of the description and references smell of Eylfāri influences. (80 pages)
    • Author: Mesral
    • Written: Oð, bet 350-360 DR
    • Language/Script: Old Oðic 16+, Tirengôl 12+
    • Published: Oð, Lardra Press, 360 DR
    • Copies: 5; House of Ðarád’Zor (Oð)