
Determination of birth date and zodiacal sign is a simple matter. Randomly determine the birth month, followed by the birth date. Once the month and date are found, refer to the above list to find which starsign or moonsign has the greatest influence on the character.

  • Month: Roll d12, results = 1-12 month
  • Date: Roll d30, results = 1-28 date, 29 or 30 re-roll

Different signs affect characters in different ways. For purposes of character creation, each sign grants a talent (rf. BASICp89) advantage specific to that sign. Starsigns grant small talents (5 CPs) and moonsigns grant medium talents (10 CPs) . These talents should be the first “purchase” made when creating a character, as they may well have an impact on the character’s development. Starsign and moonsigns talents may not be bought above their starting levels.
Example: A 100 CP character that is born on the 20th of Amàrad must spend 5 CPs on the Talent of Amàrad. After these CPs are spent, the player has 95 points remaining to develop the character.

Some moonsigns and starsigns refer to the “faithful” of a certain deity. Someone is faithful when they either a) have followed the teachings and principles of a specific deity for their entire lives, or b) a person who has been annointed/confirmed within a specific cult. Adherence to a pantheon does not apply unless the character is a paladin or priest.

Dekàli zodiacal signs may be applied to characters throughout the World of Teréth End.