



  • Eyes of Irròchōlor. Twin rubies pried out of the skull of the scythe-wielding giant skeletal construct that dwelled in the depths of Krysùrgörnn. Irròchōlor was a Neðérim bound to a great bone golem by the Ezmìri necromancer Inkòr Gnar. When the construct was destroyed, Irròchōlor was released from his skeletal prison, into the world. Both gems radiate magic. One sheds an aura of Mūátra while the other glowed with Pyrádrū. Tressta of Taldàna appraised both gems at nearly 20t (Dekàli Tal) a piece. No further properties of the eyes have been revealed. (* lb)



  • The Jade Pin. A blue jade stone carved into the likeness of a circling shark. The stone is inset in what appears to be a gold rim with a short pin and sturdy clasp to one end. The Jade Pin is a tongue-ring, that must be set into a pierced tongue to work. The pin allows the wearer to breathe underwater and allows the wearer to ignore penalties associated with moving underwater. If the wearer is rendered immobile while submerged, the wearer begins to drown immediately. The drowning effects progress no further should motion be restored. (* lb)