

Ceyndhara ran a hand wearily down her furrowed face. Every day it was the same. Every day it was up to her to decide what tomes would next be copied by the scrivener armies below. Thankfully, this was not her job alone. There were others who made similar decisions within their respective fields. A terrible yet esteemed position, to decide that the works of one ancient might perish so that the works of another could be preserved. Only so much could be done, and time ravished the library shelves not unlike her own wasting body. Not infrequently, word would return that a tome had crumbled to dust upon removal from a shelf, and she would have to inform the Indexers that the work was no more. Every year there would be fewer books until the library was reduced to a shadow of its former grandeur. Comparing her lists carefully, she made a decision that would breathe salvation into a volume that included all entries from Ub through Uu.

Pronunciation Key: U (hard u = unite), UH (soft u = under)


  • Ubrem, Nars; OOð. A Loston farmer who sat, talked, and smoked with Jak and Tressta on 11 Drûr 652 DR.
  • U’çan; 1. Unkn. A small god of Jædð; 2. The Hunting God.
  • Uçor; Unkn. (rf. Uçor)
  • uden; Dek. One.
  • udra; Dek. First.
  • Ugly Folk; Oð. (rf. Urdar)
  • U’kas Salmakh; 1. Unkn. Veil of Mortal Thought; 2. Ward used by the Eldran to wipe and alter memories.
  • Ulbrum; 1. Urd. Urdar zealot of the Ulthari Gnot; 2. A follower of Ulzur; 3. Oðic translator that spoke with Jak and Mishara in the early morning of 9 Drûr 652 DR.
  • Uldur Thän; Murd. (rf. Uldur Thän)
  • Ulthari Gnot; 1. Urd. An Urdàri kingdom in the eastern Morén Burdrul; 2. Urdàri kingdom that group was escorted through by Ulzur’s following.
  • Ultus; 1. Unkn. A small god of Jædð; 2. The Appearing god.
  • Ulun, Soor; OOð. Thrall who tripped down staircase and was interrogated by members of the Darkfold. Soor was later released by Kulak but mugged before getting far from Tandel’s residence. His interrogators began disliking him after an admission of rape.
  • Ulzur; Urd. Urdàri shaman of Ulthari Gnot.
  • Ummon; 1. Dek. Mountainous, military city-state of the Dekàli Empire; 2. (rf. Ummon) The Mountain City; 3. City that rests atop and within Wyrthyr Tor.
  • Underalley, The; Oð. (rf. Lower Streets)
  • Unnus Miketh; OOð. (rf. Unnus Miketh)
  • Unu-ud Nath; 1. Nuð. One of the seven gods of the Nuð; The tentacled god. (rf. Unu-ud Nath)
  • ur; 1. Dek. pfx. Yrūn soldier; worker; 2. Offspring of.
  • Urdar; Dek. (rf. Urdar)
  • Urdàri Lands; 1. Dek./Trade. (rf. Urdàri Kingdoms)
  • Urdàri Queen; Dek./Trade. Nolda Rott, sister of High Lord Edgur Rott the Third of Oð.
  • Uren; Dek. (rf. Uren)
  • Urmgurummur; Unkn. Rock giant that was killed and re-created by the Ort Sorbur.
  • Urœoon; Dek. Dekàlan crossbowman.
  • Urran; OOð. Proprietor of Urran’s Baths.
  • Urran’s Baths; OOð. Bath rental shop along The Perimeter of Temple Square.
  • Urthari Gnot; Urd. Urdàri kingdom in the lower Nar Drūden.
  • Urtorum; Ort. Mountainous region extending from the Snaking Pass, to Ummon, to the Kur Evalshat that is claimed by the Ort Bragnar Bar, Ort Pantargor, Ort Retugnar, and the Ort Sorbur.
  • urtumb (UHR tumb); 1. OgdG. Humilty and selflessness; 2. The sixth life study of the Grūmun.
  • Uruss; OOð. Leader of “The Assembled” who was killed by Jak the Red at Kurum Nekùlðe.
  • Urzyel; Dek. Zodiacal sign of the Neðérim.
  • ushomn (YUU shom); 1. OgdG. The great secret; 2. The eighth and last life study of the Grūmun.
  • Utelig; OOð. Large and cheerful High Craftsman of Roð, who sat next to Alcèrra Nàdrelan during her introductory dinner at Kyrm Oryroð.
  • utharad; Nirg. An Eylfāe long sword carried by Nehkrul Neylfèrahl officers. An Eylfāe steel blade mounted in dark wood, usually adorned by a precious stone. These swords were often enchanted.
  • Uul; Dek. A Dekàlan general. (rf. Eye of Uul)