
The Diseased God


  • Title(s) – The Diseased One
  • Influence – Cannibalism, Disease, Pestilence, Plague
  • Appearance – A raggedy beggar with one exposed eye, holding out a diseased arm and hand for alms


  • Symbol – Curled dead rat, a black diagonal bar across a flag, banner or shield indicates a city or place of plague
  • Focus – Any small dead mummified creature
  • Color(s) – Black and Tan or Rust Orange
  • Element
  • Animal – Rat (dead)


  • Center of Worship – Nular
  • Scriptures
  • Leader
  • Priesthood – The Forgotten (clergy)
  • Orders – The Low Order (laity)
  • Aspects
  • Touched
  • Holy Days
  • Friends – Beggars, Scorned, Sick
  • Enemies – All others
  • Sayings – “Even the weakest member helps feed the group.”


Historians claim that the Lyrasti kingdom of Nūlar was once a thriving realm, but it thrives no longer. For the last 500 years the kingdom has fallen apart, ruled by the evil and disorganized Cult of Kelor. Under normal circumstances, such conditions would not last as neighboring kingdoms would move in and seize the wasted land. This has not happened, for the lands of Nūlar have been befouled by the cult and it is doubted that proper crops and livestock will ever flourish in those lands again.

The Cult

The rise of the Low Order occurred following a terrible plague circa 4/2995 ER. As the Kingdom of Nular was thrown into chaos, a group of people emerged who seemed unhindered by their afflictions. Not only did they thrive among the pestilence but unbeknownst to the leaders of Nular, they began spreading the disease further and further under the guise of offering solace and treatment for the afflicted and healthy alike. Soon the entire kingdom was firmly caught within the clutches of Kelor’s blistering fist. To this day, travelers are warned to steer clear of the desolate lands, and ships sail far from the blighted shores.

Appearances of the Low Order in other parts of world are quickly dealt with in the most harsh possible manner. Within the lands of the Old Empire, consorting with the Low Order is punishable by death, followed by the death or family and friends.

The Priesthood

The faithful wear ragged clothes, usually with one or more mummified animals hanging on a string around the neck or tied to a walking stick. Followers of Kelor bare their scars and sores like badges of honor among other faithful. The Low Order is controlled by those with the physical and mental facilities, and the cunning to survive within an unforgiving cult.

Daily Activities

Holy Days and Rituals

Followers of Kelor are not required to sacrifice or observe unholy days and festivals, though enemies (or those that fall into disfavor) are often killed and eaten, with thanks given to Kelor.

Places of Worship

Most temples to Kelor are found in the ruins of old temples, though any forsaken place will suffice.

Nomenclature: Kelor Dekàlic: Kelor (god), Kelòri (pertaining to), Kelòryn (follower), Kelòryr (followers), Pryn Kèlor (priest), Pryr Kèlor (priests)