
Ældāeð took a long, slow, burning drag from the pipe. As the smoke moved in, his mouth went dry, his throat burned, and his lungs ached and trembled. It was terribly painful but he waited and waited. Soon he could feel the burn spreading through his body, reaching through his chest, down his limbs, to the tips of his fingers. He wanted to scream but had no breath to utter a sound. Tears streamed down his cheeks and his lips peeled back from his gums in a rictal grimace of agony.

Somewhere along the eternal search for food, medicine, and entertainment, plants and other substances have been found to serve as drugs. The world of herbalism is an esoteric one, spent walking hunched through the undergrowth examining leaf serrations or analyzing spore prints left on vellum tags. Another side exists beyond this drudgery, a side that is lucrative, rewarding, and in high demand in almost every culture across the face of Teréth End.

Those that care to categorize and file these products separate drugs into several classifications: