
The Silent Messenger

Dalāsya the Beautiful manifests as a beautiful man or woman, depending upon the receiver of the vision. Dalāsya is the mute aspect, the silent messenger which comes to open the eyes of the blind, and direct their hearts. She (as Dalāsya is commonly referred) also acts as a muse, filling the mind of artists and composers with wonderful inspirations. Some believe that Dalāsya teaches and inspires musicians, but it is Naðal that gives them voice. Like Tyçal, Amra and her followers, Dalāsya is never portrayed with weapons. There are several stories that even the most savage and evil of the gods have sought to destroy her, but faced by her, not been able to deliver on their will.

The Order

The Priesthood

  • High Priestess: Tamyàda Ajádara

Daily Activities

Holy Days and Rituals

Places of Worship