

The dust of centuries billowed from the doors as the men staggered backward. As they lowered their crowbars, Ageðyn moved forward with his lantern bringing light to a chamber unused for six hundred years. The room was packed with crates and barrels stamped in foreign letters. Motioning one of the workers forward, the man set his crowbar into the nearest crate and pried the cracking wood panel from its side. Reaching blindly into the brittle straw he withdrew a heavy tome and handed it to Ageðyn who explained that it was a volume that included all entries from Œa through Œo.

Pronunciation Key: Œ (soft qu = quell, quiet); original usage is an Ælyri form (i.e., cw) adopted by Dekàlic


  • Cwæyl /kwæl/ Ayl. pn. (rf. Town of Cwæyl)