

The tome seems light for its size. Opening the heavy cover you find that everything is in order and once again the librarians have succeeded in finding the book you’ve been looking for. You grin as you recall the indexer telling you that no-one has requested this book in many years. Eagerly you turn the pages. After only a few pages more you recoil, sickened to find that some unthinking vandal has carved a square compartment into the pages of the ancient book. Resting in this secret space lies a folded piece of yellowed paper that reads, “Jayèdra, enclosed please find a token of my abiding love for you. I fear that they are onto me, so if you do not see me again, please know by this gift that I will remember you always.” Cradled in the final fold of the paper is a golden ring, a strange thing to find in a volume that once included all entries from Pa through Py.

Pronunciation Key: P (soft p = power, practice)


  • Padrùdar, Pirid; Dek. An Old Empire necromancer that once lived in the Morén Burdrul.
  • Paduin’s Festhall; Oð. A beer hall in Dreg’s Brewery.
  • Pagàna; Dek. Zodiacal sign of the burning woman.
  • Palda; 1. Pal. 1. Thriving city on the far east continent; a major port of the Acèntyra; 2. Distant city or area that Falkwell’s Players claimed to hail from.
  • Palor; Oð. A pauper kingdom within the Sulsàdter.
  • Panæð; Dek. (rf. Panæð)
  • Paradym; 1. OOð. Jaris fool who frequents the Red Cock; 2. A Derékaln distractor.
  • Pardiket, Vomis; OOð. Run Dul area Guildmaster of the Mourners’ Guild.
  • Pastaras, Clovun; OOð. Head Guildmaster of the City of Oð Mourners’ Guild.
  • Pæð; Dek. (rf. Pæð)
  • Pedwurl the Big; OOð. An Erhet swamp dockman who was killed by Feyd and Jak the Red during the attack on Bugaven’s Feast and Sleep.
  • Pazart; 1. OOð. ( -150 DR) Roðite puritan ethicist who wrote extensively on the sins of idleness. Pazartan shrines were once commonplace in the City of Oð, some ruins of these remain scattered throughout Visháshun; 2. Vældyrim of Roð
  • Perdu Lor; OgdG. Grūag ritual of trepenation using a golden spike to remove fear from Grūmun initiates. Performed incorrectly, the proceedure may result in brain damage or death. There are two recorded cases where the ritual was performed on non-Grūmun, a Gnor, and an Yrūn; the results were not recorded.
  • Periculenna; Oð. Member of the Darkfold Tales.
  • The Perimeter; Oð. Buildings and walking area around the edge of Temple Square in the City of Oð.
  • Perlon; Sar. Saránði soldier killed in Ēgùlðar’s Rest on 9 Vulūne 652 DR.
  • Perul; OOð. Small community north of .
  • Pessulv; OOð. Gaunt and staring Jaris man who frequents the Red Cock; a friend of Tinkler.
  • Pick, The; Oð. A figure of the Oðic underground.
  • pilith; OJæd. Natural menhirs of giant size found throughout the City of Jædð. The Sha’al revere the ancient stones as ancestral vessels. Yrūn builders have used the stones to support twisting walkways and pedastals for elevated building platforms.
  • Platànya, The (plah TAYN yah); Dek. The area south of the City of Oð that surrounds the Nyr Platan. The rugged seacoast of this region is riddled with caves. Towns in this area include Ōddon and Portage. (rf. Platànya)
  • Pleasure Guild; Oð. (rf. Order of Tyçal)
  • Poisoners Guild; Oð. (rf. Poisoners’ Guild)
  • Poron; Dek. Small town along the Nyr Platan that was burned to the ground in 652 DR by the Ichalus’s Danokan army.
  • Portage; Dek. A small town along the northern shore of the Nyr Plàtan that was once the terminus of the Boat Road, where ships built in the City of Oð were portaged and deposited into the bay.
  • Portals; 1. Oð. Name given magical windows which supposedly connect separate places or times; 2. Magic gates located within each major Dekàlan Temple.
  • Prais; Kir. Large city on the north-east shore of the Mar Kìrydi.
  • Pri; Dek. Zodiacal sign of the golden fish.
  • Protector; Oð. One of a series of magical spears designed and created by Pryr Roð-Ættràkar.
  • Pryard; OOð. (rf. Oð: Pryard)
  • pryór; Dek. Religious order or organization usually centered around the aspect of a god.
  • Pryór Ar; Dek. Holy Order of the Arch.
  • Pryór Fer Mèrdrul; 1. Dek. Holy Order of the Bloody Fist; 2. Highest honor bestowed upon the Ðardorm of Īrul.
  • Pryór Oð Dnur; Dek. Holy Order of Iron Death.
  • Pryór Talshar; Dek. Holy Order of the Golden Plow.
  • Pryór Ðardràm Merdus; Dek. A holy order of Jædðàri knights whose mission was to promote, uphold, and protect Dekàli religious and cultural interests. Within the City of Jædð, the Order of Red Knights serve as a de facto police force. As of 650 DR, the high commander of the order was Serewyl Nalagwyn of Ildûn. Under Serewyl’s command, the Order has grown in numbers and presence. The ðardram deal harshly with those of non-Dekàli descent, especially the Sha’al.
  • Pryór Ðardràm Oð; Dek. (rf. Pryór Ðardràm Oð)
  • Pud’Anuph; Shu. 1. Hunters’ camp.
  • Punishment; Oð. Name given by Jak the Red to spear given him by Jak the Elder. (see also Protector)
  • Pyrádra; Dek. (rf. Pyrádra)