

Tīys held the cloth over his mouth and nose, opened the door, and stepped into the house. The apprentice inspector stood in the next doorway, a look of horror upon his flickering green face. His lantern was directed into the far room, its flame burning with emerald fire. Tīys had expected this but there was no preparing for what lie ahead. He walked forward and placed a hand of Sendu’s shoulder. “What is it?” he asked from behind the handkerchief. The apprentice started to speak, but only bile found its way into his mouth. He shoved the lantern into Tīys’ hands and rushed out of the house. The inspector pointed the lantern into the next room and his heart sank. Against the far wall sat a pile of bodies as high as his chest, their eyes staring blankly in the strange green light, their skin rippling with tunneling parasites. As he turned to leave, corpses tumbled aside and a figure emerged from the nauseous heap. Outside, Sendū looked up from his puddle to the sound of a terrible scream. He was the inspector now. There was no time to waste. Sendū gave the signal, the men lowered their torches, and everyone watched the house go up in flames.

The Zûnyr are powerful Restless that are believed to result from suicidal deaths. They appear as animate corpses with long teeth and fingernails, often riddled with parasites and erupting boils. While its unknown whether the Zûnyr breathe air, they do exhale a noxious vapor that rapidly ages organic matter.


While the Zûnyr may result from suicides, they do not manifest from every suicide. There are many hypotheses regarding the extended circumstances under which a Zûnyr is created. Fortunately, appearances of the Restless aberrations are uncommon. Instances of widespread plague are sometimes blamed on a Zûnyr, even if the creatures are not found.

Similar to Ghûls, Zûnyr are known to feed on sentient flesh. Unlike Ghûls, they do not increase their numbers through their victims.

Zûnyr have an inhuman strength and complete immunity to pain and other mortal frailties.


Zûnyr are not believed to possess a bestial though wily intelligence. Their only apparent motivations are feeding and self-preservation. Reports of Zûnyr have claimed that the monsters sometimes lie in wait for potential victims, trying to pick-off targets one at a time.


No two Zûnyr have ever been observed simultaneously. They seem to prefer populated areas.


It is unknown whether they can speak.


Zûnyr are believed to be incapable of magic use.




  • Social Stigma: Dead (HORp25) -20