Council of Ildûn

The highest level congregation of Old Empire wizards was formed in 313 HK to finalize the adoption of the Draga Orkid (q.v., Circles of the Old Empire). The function of the group evolved until it eventually was elevated to an arm of government alongside the Councils of Anðus and Lanàdus. Membership of the Council was reserved for leaders of the Dekàli Circles, with each Circle determining internally, who to seat on the Council.

Unlike the other Councils, the Council of Ildûn never congregated outside its namesake city. When decisions were required, the Wizards would meet and send a representative to Lanàdus with their answer. The High Crown and other Councils did not view this as a slight. Following the Wizards’ War of the 4th and 5th centuries HK, it was determined that it would be in the High Crown’s best interest to keep the Wizards’ Council at arm’s length.


Though the Council has not been assembled in recent memory, the current membership is believed to look like this:


The Council of Ildûn consisted of representatives from each of the Dekàli Circles. At the beginning of each Calling, one member would be chosen to serve as the Council Chair. The Chair position only lasted for one Calling. The Chair’s duties included: directing the meeting’s course, serving as an arbitrator to settle differences, and submitting a “breaking vote” in the event of tied decisions. It is not clear how Chairs were selected. During the period of Middle Empire, the “privilege” of being elected Chair was often declined after a number of Chairs were murdered in response to actions taken in that position. The most famous story from this period tells of a Calling where no one in attendance accepted the Chair position, so the Calling was disbanded until the following year.

There has not been a formal meeting of the Council since the Fall of the Old Empire. The traditional Seats remain however, in the event that the Council is called together again. Having never convened outside the limits of the City of Ildûn, it is unclear where a new Council would meet were they called.