
Calendar of Lyrásti Reckoning

The Calendar of Lyrásti Reckoning is one of the oldest Yrūni calendars known. Created during the height of the Urzàri Empire, the calendar measures years from the time that Yrūn first settled upon the Lyrast mainland. Early reports of Emer, the land to the south, included descriptions of decaying cities that were abandoned for some unknown reason. It is thought that the denizens of Emer may have left the continent in a great exodus, and that Year One of the Lyrásti Reckoning marks their beginning in a new land.

As of the 654th year of Dekàli Reckoning, it is the 7789th Year of Lyrásti Reckoning.



There are many instances of the Lyrásti calendar. Despite differences in naming, the calendar is consistent across people and cultures. The Lyrásti calendar is divided into 12 months.

  1. Zir. Arha (spring)
  2. Zir. Velha
  3. Zir. Karássha
  4. Zir. Erlànkhav (summer)
  5. Zir. Telūmor
  6. Zir. Killàsha
  7. Zir. Lok (fall)
  8. Zir. Gnassha
  9. Zir. Mōern
  10. Zir. Zirak (winter)
  11. Zir. Felràssor
  12. Zir. Nōér Aszal

