
Land of the Dragul-Slayers

“We arrived on the frozen shores of Wurm in the 713th Spring of the High King. Having heard the reputation of the place and its inhabitants, we were somewhat dismayed to find a barbaric fishing village with small wooden craft dragged onto a pebble beach. The natives that greeted us bore heavy beards and were wrapped in the ragged clothes and mottled pelts that are common among Northmen. The villagers were lean and weather-worn, more like fishermen than the warrior tales had led us to believe. Our translator employed Orádra arts to ask questions. Every native we met was asked the same questions, but none could name the shore on which we’d landed or the kingdom’s name, if there was one. Their only connection to the larger world was a trading relation with inland tribes that they met yearly to trade for goods. During these market events, young and eligible men and women would be exchanged and married between the villages and tribes. This custom was our first evidence of a greater society within the land, one whose traditions may have stemmed from a time when the land was more unified. Still, these were not the great Dragul-slayers we had expected to find and with the exception of fishing spears and nets, no weapons could be found in the village to suggest any form of fighting tradition.”

The frozen lands of Wurm are famous for two things: the Dragul that cross its skies and the barbaric Yrūn hunters which kill them. The nomadic Wurmyr have survived in this hostile realm for more centuries than most can count. During that time, they have earned the reputation as the most accomplished Dragul-slayers that the World of Teréth End has ever known. Stories of their heroic exploits have filtered into the civilized lands of southern Vulmùra, immortalizing their conquests in the face of ancient evil. The tales are light on details and but heavy with proclamations of strength, bravery, and the power of Wurmàri destiny. The tales that do not travel south are the innumerable tribes that have disappeared from the tundra, forever.


  • Type
  • Ruler
  • Capital – …
  • Cities – …
  • Calendar – …
  • Festivals – …


  • PopulationWurmyr (650 DR) Unknown
  • Races – Yrūn 95%, Dwürden 3%, Gnor 1%, other 1%
  • Ethnicities
  • LanguagesWurmic
  • Religions


  • Currency
  • Imports – Ore
  • Exports – Furs, ivory, fish

Regions, Geographic

Regions, Political

Cities, Towns, and Villages



“The zenith of our expedition was found at the mountain retreat of Sīlyn the Old. As his epithet suggested, the man seemed as ancient and craggy as the mountains around him. Deep wrinkles covered his gaunt and thinly bearded face. Thin bony fingers clutched a heavy leather sheathed sword across his lap. At once it seemed both too heavy for his ancient frame and also ready to be unleashed with lethal ferocity. There was an intensity to the elder’s mien that we could not fathom, at first. Sīlyn was introduced to us as a warrior of many campaigns and generations. A scaled tapestry behind his throne hung from bound spears, whose simple points were themselves clad in mummified tissues. We bowed before him, though it was not their custom to do so. We soon learned that Sīlyn had taken part in two successful hunts, but had been part of countless hunted parties as well. On his final hunt, at the age of 65 summers, Sīlyn landed the killing strike and was rewarded with his tapestry and the creature’s heart, which he ate. Since then the old hunter claimed he had received powerful visions and the dreams of many lifetimes.”


Time Line


Nomenclature: Wurm Dekàlic: Wurm (place), Wurmàri (pertaining to), Wurmyn (resident), Wurmyr (people), Wurmic (language)