Old City

Ruins of Hor Jòrdol

Old City

Old City

Sitting high atop the vine-conquered plateau Hor Jòrdol, sit the ruins of the Old City. Horrible faces and odd images peek through the vegetation of the plateau walls. Dark passages into the plateau’s heart stare out across the New City below. The residents there speak of those who climbed up to those windows and never returned. The builders of the Old City are not generally known, but may date to the time of the Sha’al or before (if that is possible). The Bowls were a later addition to the plateau’s top, erected by the priesthood of Sūdul in the early years of the city-state.

Within Hor Jòrdol are countless tunnels and forgotten chambers, sealed by the priests of Sūdul when the Dekàlyr first came to this place. The priests claim that the Old Ways were sealed to prevent that which lives within Hor Jordol from getting out. That is probably at best a partial truth. Many of the ancient places and secrets within Hor Jordol speak of a time before the coming of Yrūn to this region. For many Sha’al and Yrūn this is a point of contention. The thieves of Jædð see, to constantly be uncovering new entrances into the old corridors. Some have taken refuge within the plateau itself, but most of these are never seen again. The priests of Sūdul are aware of these incursions but can do little about it. Instead, they wait in fear of what the thieves and plunderers may unwittingly release from age-old rest.

Many paths approach the Old City; most winding through large stone blocks and thick forest. Over the centuries, countless pilgrims have carved footsteps into the plateau’s steep sides, but the steps are smooth and often treacherously wet. The Pilgrim Road is perpetually crowded with lines of ascending and descending pilgrims wearing simple robes. The pilgrims are sometimes distinguishable by their actions whether they be counting cord-belt beads, reading from plaques of wood, walking and swaying in-time with their chanting, Higher into the heavy trees and leafy undergrowth one sees the lights from dozens of candles and campfires scattered across the carved face of the plateau wall.

Half-way up the Pilgrim Road, the paths turn into staircases climbing between massive stone faces emerging from the vine covered sides of the towering plateau. The empty eyes and gaping mouths are home to bird nests and snake dens, their calls and hisses warn travelers to keep their distance. Crossing paths continue across the cracking foreheads of the faces. High above, more faces look out across the glowing City of Jædð below.


  • The Great Courtyard. The Pilgrim Roads climb to a small landing near Hor Jòrdol’s top. This rocky shelf bears a fire pit where embers glow and a small pool offers relief to tired feet. At the shelf’s far side the Old City wall of stone and vines rises the height of five Uren. At its center a narrow crack of stone has crumbled away, revealing a passage into a wide space beyond. Climbing through the west wall’s rocky crack one emerges into a wide plaza of massive flagstones. Clumps of pilgrims gather throughout the area speaking in hushed voices. Standing in pairs throughout the plaza stand armored guards in long red cloaks with tall silvery pikes in their gauntleted hands. The guards watch all that come and go suspiciously. From this courtyard there are two gateways, one to the north (the Serpent Gate), and one to the south (the Feathered Gate). To the west two broad staircases rise from plaza to the Old City’s second tier (the Pillared Courtyard). (roughly 400 ft. x 500 ft.)
  • The Pillared Courtyard. A long courtyard extends between twin rows of large carved pillars. (roughly 400 ft. x 700 ft.)
  • The Bowls. A large square courtyard dominated by a piled collection of giant stone bowls. (roughly 1000 ft. x 1000 ft.)

