
Eylfāri deities are similar in nature to the Illyrisra of the Five Rings’ divine hierarchy. Each deity is believed to be a former Eylfāyn that somehow transcended the ordinary in some unique way. Some of these figures were drawn into heaven by other deities, some managed to escape this earthly prison by various means, while others were transformed by universal forces. The idea of escape from Teréth End is so fundamental to the Eylfāe that many deities are defined by the means by which they managed to leave. The oldest Eylfāri deities are believed to be progenitor figures that predate that Eylfāe immigration.

The Eylfāri deities are not worshiped like the gods of other races. They offer no spells or blessings upon the faithful. Reverence and invocation of the Eylfāri deities is a sign of respect, honor, and alignment to the precepts of the individual gods. The greatest honors given to the Eylfāri gods are blood, song, and music; a combination of these ingredients is preferred.