

Hidden behind a collection of Dwürden books, scrolls, and tablets and almost completely obscured by a fallen stack of shelves and scattered materials, there is an empty statuary niche. If you were to climb the pile of books and managed to right the fallen shelves you would find a small brass plaque bolted to the wall. Inscribed on the plaque in the Old Oðic manner are the words, “Vazgað Nekùlðe”, “Hero”. It would be easy to imagine the hero’s marble bust gazing out from the great niche, but the statue is no more. Climbing back down the mound of books you might even find one particular volume that includes all entries from Ga through Gy.

Pronunciation Key: G (soft g = Gaelic, garlic, grate; does not include George, giant)


  • Galas, Dæra (DAYR ah GA lahs); Oð. ( – DR) Sergeant of the Merchant Guard who led the initial interrogation at the Northwall Inn, following the explosion of 7 Tolð 652 DR.
  • Galdmæn (GAHLD mayn); Oð. ( – DR) Eccentric priest of Nomor the Clean.
  • galèrya (gah LEHR yah); Dek. A galley.
  • Galèrya (gah LEHR yah); Dek. [The Wargalley] (rf. Galèrya)
  • Galèrya, The (gah LEHR yah); 1. Obsc. Name of the High King’s dragon-galley; 2. Obsc. Name of mysterious galley that glided into the normally impassable Kre Dùlnar on 24 Eren 652 DR; possibly the royal galèra of the same name. The Merchant Patrol boarded the vessel that same morning, but found no crew or means to access the inside.
  • Ganæth, Hælen (HAYL ehn GAH nayth); Oð. (630- DR) A Kyrm Oryroð appentrice who escorted Alcèrra Nàdrelan and Jak of Cænden to the Hall of Sorrows on 2 Lanal 652 DR. Hælen was born under the face of Wōd into a shoemaker’s family in Toch’s Square. The Roðite priests have been trying to teach him how to cast spells, but he has had no luck.
  • garoma Jæd. A fishing device used along the Run Sùluð.
  • Gædth, Lady Allisis (ayl LIH sihs gaydth); OOð. ( – DR) Oðic noblewoman who invited Kaithah Argentale to play at some future social event following her performance with the Lord’s Musicians at Kryr Shùrulm.
  • Gæl (gayl); OOð. ( – DR) A nightwatchman for the Town of Wesridge. (rf. Terres).
  • Gældor (GAYL dohr); Ild. ( – DR) An Ildûni horseman of both Ælyri and Dekàlan heritage.
  • Gællus ur Gallon (GAYL luhs); Oðári Tales. OOð. ( -653 DR) Soldier assigned to help find the caravan of Ettegus Tolvor. Deceased.
  • Gæmrud, Dedren (DEH drehn GAYM ruhd); OOð. (639- DR) Young Cænden peasant that helped Jak the Red hang a captured thief following the Cænden Massacre (rf. Zard Ronad).
  • Gegdæn, Læremud (LAYR eh muhd GEHG dayn); Sar. ( -652 DR) Saranði soldier killed in Ēgùlðar’s Rest on 9 Vulūne 652.
  • Gehem (GEH hehm); Dek. A secret society (rf. sirkūlī dragàdir) of Yrūn sorcerers who study the power of magical symbols and patterns. The most famous of their dragahem stood in the City of Ildûn. The tower was so covered with fearful etchings and diagrams that no-one dared look upon it.
  • Gendor (GEHN dohr); Murd. ( – AR) A legendary figure from the legends of the Vulmùran Dwürden, believed to be the father of the six clans of Dwürden Mor (rf. Gnot).
  • genter (GEHN tehr); OOð. A heretic or troublemaker.
  • Genter (GEHN tehr); 1. OOð. A lawless town that lies to the south of the City of Oð. The area has since evolved as a harbor for Roð heretics and is avoided by those of the faith; 2. ( – DR) Mage that is credited for summoning sunlight into the midday city streets by parting The Wheel. It is told that Genter was banished from the City for this violation. He wandered to the south and settled in the town that now bears his name; 3. A resident or follower of Genter.
  • Geræn, Thr. Ælgamar (AYL gah mahr GEHR ayn); OOð. ( – DR) Ðard of the Oðic High Lord sent to Ōddon to contain the Minions of Danok in 652 DR.
  • Geydrut (GEH druht); OOð. Jaris man who frequents the Red Cock and sometimes plays cards with Daga, Dogsbutt, and Whitey.
  • Ghost Isle; Trade. A small rocky island near Kryr Shùrulm. The island was bored out and made into a crypt for members of the ‘s noble families. The island is believed haunted; there are many tales of a “guardian” though few tales match. No one is known to have returned from the island.
  • ghûl; OOð. A ghoul.
  • Ghûlwood; OOð. Burned-out forest that separates the Southswall from the Elmark. Once a harbor for bandits and thieves preying on travelers along the Genter Road, the woods were “cleansed” by the torches and sword-tips of Endren’s Seven. (see more)
  • Giant Ship, The; Trade. A scuttled giants’ ship that sits in Kre Itarya, perched atop underwater stones.
  • Gibbet Hill; Trade. A barren hilltop outside the City of Oð‘s northeast wall where traitors, high-criminals, and those charged with military crimes are tried and publicly executed, maimed, or imprisoned. The hill is not used often and badly overgrown.
  • gimblar; Hal. A Halver magic-user.
  • Gladia; OTal. Poet of Taldàna that Alcèrra Nàdrelan released from the black tome in Kry Ōddon.
  • Gnor; 1. Gno. A race of stout “spirit-folk” who are bound and shaped by their environment; 2. Any member of the Gnor race.
  • gnot; Urd.Ot. A Urdar kingdom.
  • Gnot; Unkn. (rf. Gnot)
  • Gobrūzagel (goh BRU zay gehl); Unkn. (rf. Gobrūzagel)
  • Godshammer, Urik; Oð. Roðite priest who led group on a tour of the Temple of Roð.
  • Gogludt Gnot; Gru. Urdàri kingdom east of Loston.
  • Golden Plow, The; Trade. Fraternal Order of Roð-Ðurkan consisting of farmers, smiths, laborers, and all those who make their living by the hard work of their hands.
  • Goldsword; Trade. The second highest rank of soldier among the Merchant Guard.
  • Goom of Orbommo; Jædðàri Tales. (rf. Goom of Orbommo)
  • Gorth; Oð. A Tavernton thief allied with Aras before the Cænden Massacre, but who wasn’t present during the slaughter. Gorth “met” members of the group during their meeting with Aras in Tavernton.
  • Graiç of Mazzam; Oðári Tales. (rf. Graiç of Mazzam)
  • Graves of Darad; OOð. Ancient menhirs which stand on a hilltop in the lower Nar Drūden. The purpose of these stones is unknown, but believed by some locals to be grave markers for giants. No is sure who Darad was, or where the name comes from.
  • Grawn; Oð. Boy of the Northfields who was injured by a plow, and died of gangrene. The boy was tended to by both Adāe and Alcèrra Nàdrelan.
  • Gredd; Oð. One of three robbers that ambushed, robbed, and bludgeoned Dammon Shroudson in the Naryard on 12 Tolð 652 DR.
  • Great Anahl, The; Trade/Eyl. (rf. The Tahrya Anahl)
  • Great North Sea; Trade. North polar sea of Teréth End.
  • Great South Sea; Trade. South polar sea of Teréth End.
  • Great Thorn Barrier; Trade. Massive living barrier that separates Yrūn from Eylfāe lands near Kaldakul.
  • Green, Tarad; Oð. A marsh-farmer in Cænden and old friend of Jak the Red. Tarad is believed to have been the last of the Cænden residents to have seen Jak the Elder alive.
  • greenleaf; Trade. An insinuative paralytic poison.
  • greenvein; Trade. An ingestive poison that turns veins green in its initial stages, in its second stage it begins to slowly weaken the victim for up to one day, or until death, whichever comes first.
  • Gref, Sultun; Oð. Sergeant and crossbowman of Ichalus Damerreon who was killed by Mishara Mythdaras‘s arrows.
    A Minion of Danok.

  • Grena; OOð. Jaris harlot who frequents the Red Cock; mother of three (Arnel, Beckra, Tollos).
  • Grey, Daga; OOð. Member of the Thieves’ Tales.
  • Greygarden Pub; Trade. One of the many drinking establishments in Dreg’s Brewery. The tavern includes a central glass-covered atrium where the proprietor grows fresh vegetables year round.
  • Gray Knights; Oð. A crusading military order assembled under the faith and following of Orynder the Lawmaker.
  • Gray Wastes, The; Trade. 1. Vast arid wasteland in north central Teréðor; 2. Home to legendary coiling Dragul.
  • Greymane, Saldus; Oðári Tales. OOð. Captain of the Company of the White Raven (until 652 DR). (rf. Saldus Greymane)
  • Grim Drūden; Dek. (rf. Grim Drūden)
  • grob; 1. Oð. Any of a variety of Urdar “half-breeds”; 2. Any person with Urdar heritage or traits; 3. Derogatory term meaning short and ugly. (rf. Dogsbutt)
  • Grod; Oð. One of the Ogdar bouncers at The Tower; a friend of Malyn.
  • Grū; Dek. (rf. Grū)
  • Grūag; OOð. Sages that study the Gru.
  • Grūgànða (groo GAN thuh); OgdG. Tongue of the Grūmun.
  • grum; Dek. 1. The color gray.
  • Grumble; Trade. Colloquial name given to the Urdàric tongue.
  • Grumug; Urd.Ot. (GROO muhg) Urdar assistant to the Urdàri Queen that was killed by the High Lord’s crossbowmen in return for the slaying of Ðr. Lathar Mullar years earlier.
  • Grūmun (GRU muhn); OgdG. A race of large, hairy, peaceful beings that dwell in remote forests and other isolated areas.
  • Grymgrykalya; Oðári Tales. (rf. Grymgrykalya)
  • Gulshart; OOð. A small tabby-walled fishing town along the west shore of Argud’s Sound.
  • gulth; OOð. A deep chasm or ravine.
  • Gur, Tædàs; Oð. A Northfields farmer who died in 651 DR under mysterious circumstances (rf. Tædàs Gur).
  • Gurad; Oð. A sell-sword and criminal who traveled the Tor’n Evalshat looking for remote jobs that keep him clear of Oð. Mercenary who has found steady work protecting wagons between Mistvale and Avàhrlyn.
  • Gurswerg; OOð. Dolóri peasant present at the Cenotaph cemetery.
  • Gyrdon; 1. Ild. High mountain town of southeast Ildûn; 2. A stronghold of Hedrym forces during the second Dekàlan invasion of Aylyra. Today Gyrdon is a thriving mining center for both gold and silver. All mining in Gyrdon is strictly regulated by the King of Gyrdon, Hormark the Third. Hormark’s lineage extends back to the Empire’s fall when his family gained rule of the pass. Until his line was crowned, the city was ruled by a series of merchant guilds (including some based in Æzàlar) who fought continuously for control of the great mines.
  • Gyrdon Pass; Ild. High mountain pass in southeast Aylyrēa.