
Chaosborn, Children of the Worms

Unchecked magic is a dangerous force. The same energy that gives both life and meaning to the inhabitants of the World of Teréth End, left to its natural tendencies, would wreak unholy havoc on all creation. Some religions prophesy an end time, when magic will reassert itself, undoing ages of careful laid manipulation and channeling. Others describe a time when the Veils that separate the Waking World from the Nether and the Ethereal realms will come crashing down, obliterating everything in the known Zarátam, a scenario referred to as the Unraveling. Still others believe that the time is now, and that the agents of entropy are already among us, tearing at the Veils between Worlds. If any of the creatures upon the World of Teréth End are candidates for this unholy task, it is the Odárad (e.g., Chaosborn, Valāe Pòntryr).

Though categorized as a Created race, the Odárad are not so much created as they are “twisted” into being. A race or creature that is Odárad has undergone a transformation from one form to another due to Chaos magics.


The many possibilities associated with Warping make it difficult to find common physical attributes of the Odárad. It is possible however to address the different influences of the Warping magics.

Chaos. In their most “natural” form, Chaos magics have no direction except to undo what is done. Unadulterated Chaos magics tend to create the most diverse and unstable forms, often leading to useless or inviable mutations. (e.g., Zrū). These creatures are sometimes referred to as amorphic.

  • Associative. Associative Chaos is unstable magic that is influenced (i.e., associated) by the proximity of an intelligent power that can direct change. Odáradyr generated by Associative Chaos often have a homogeneous set of features, strengths, and weaknesses that appeal to the influencing power (e.g., Zrū).
  • Residual. On occasion, Chaos energies are drawn to areas of high magic (i.e., lehyayhl) where they attempt to disrupt the Skein. At these points, the Skein is usually strong enough to resist and transform the Chaos magics into something less disruptive. Odárad that are created by this Residual Chaos typically suffer less dramatic changes (e.g., Denizens). Because of the tendency of Chaos magics to gravitate toward certain elements and areas, it is also possible for Residual Chaos to outlive lehyayhl manifestations. In areas where nexuses have died, Residual Chaos can often be found in abundance (e.g., Lower Streets). The Warping properties of this “tamed” Chaos often reflect something about the area’s character.


A creature’s physical body is not the only thing that is changed by Chaos magics. It is very common for a subject’s thoughts, memories, reasoning, emotions, and personality to be irrevocably rewritten during the transformation from mundane to Odárad. Changes to these aspects are rarely positive and usually entail a devolution toward a more primitive and instinctual mindset. No matter how deficient a newly created Odárad may be, all members of the “race” share a basic but powerful will to both survive and to propagate.


The cultures of different Odárad groups are as varied as that of any sampling of races. Denizens and Associated Zrū seem to embrace cultures defined by their environment or deity.

Most Odáradyr recognize that they are outcasts from general society and take measures to limit their exposure in small (i.e., vulnerable) numbers.


One of the most baffling results of Warping is Odáradic. Odáradic is a spoken language that can be understood by all Chaosborn that were created from an Awakened race. Not all Chaosborn can speak the language because not all that are created have the ability to speak.

Odáradic is a unique language in that its use requires ambient magic. The effect of Odáradic is difficult to describe,. Not only does its speaking sound like more than one person is talking at a time, but the range and volume of the speech falls outside what is normal for Yrūn and other races. The sound of Odáradic is easy to identify, but difficult to replicate.


Under “natural” circumstances, Odárad have no interest in religion. Cults on the other hand, have shown interest in the Odárad from time to time. The allure on unafraid, immoral, inexperienced, and dangerous creatures has a definite allure to the some groups, temples included. Exerting one’s influence over the Odárad however can be a challenging proposition.


Odáradi Weaving is wrought with difficulties. When determining the effects of Weaving, consider that the Odáradi magician must overcome its own Chaos by Twisting every spell it casts as if the moon Mamra were full. This effect is not further compounded by Mamra’s true phase, but is affected by the phase of the other moons.


