
Drāgyr Kavàllūn

This Circle is mentioned in the oldest remaining records of Mortal magics. In the early times, they were known to have had many enemies, having emerged from a turbulent period. During this time, different Circles seemed very adversarial for reasons that are not entirely clear. The Kavàllūn are remembered as having suffered great losses during this time, but having emerged stronger than before.

Kavàllūn teachings centered around the need for combat. Whether this was an original tenet, or one forged during their emergence is unknown. Their code seemed to revolve around the precept of destroy or be destroyed. The Kavàllūn were very efficient combatants, but their strength lay in the assault, rarely in defense. It is written that their philosophies of assault versus defense were so ingrained, that many would forfeit their lives rather than repel an ambush. A famous tale explained how a Kavàllūn wizard accompanying a unit of soldiers was surprised by a small and primitive Ortor tribe. Rather than suffer the dishonor of fighting a defensive battle, the wizard laid his staff on the ground and offered up a prayer to Pæð for forgiveness as an Ortòri war mace shattered his skull. The Kavàllūn idiom it would seem would have required the wizard to have “expected” the ambush and to have orchestrated a masterful assault on the hidden Ortor position. Suicide it would appear was more honorable than resorting to defense (i.e., admission that an enemy’s tactics were superior).

The Kavàllūn detest magical “duels”. It is held within the tenets of the Circle that magic should never be wielded unless one is prepared to use it to its full potential. Summoning of the powers and then cutting them short is disruptive to the magics and a practice of the weak (i.e., those incapable of controlling the influx of power).

Kavàllūn magic drew upon surrounding energies without regard for life (rf. Ðoll) and consequence. When spells were ushered, all surrounding were required to resist against the steady siphon of power. It is believed that most practitioners of the Kavàllūn were unable to determine from whence the power came. It is believed that few cared.

It is a matter of historical record that Kavàllūn Councilors accompanied most Dekàli military units into battle in times of war. Despite this, few records exist detailing the existence of Kavàllūn wizards during the Second Acèntyri-Dekàli War. A few theories have surfaced to explain this question. First and foremost it is believed that most credible records of that time are long lost, and that there is no reason to believe that the honorable Kavàllūn were not present to defend their Empire. A second, less accepted theory, is that “The End” to the Empire happened in such swift fashion that the Kavàllūn were never mobilized. Still others have suggested that the Kavàllūn would never have considered partaking in the “defense” of the Empire at all.

Their sign was a circle intersected by three thorns.


  • Ælàmra
  • Ilûmtrū
  • Kadàktrū
  • Phlōgòstrū
  • Pyrádrū
  • Teréðrū
  • Vīsìktrū


The Kavàllūn wore red and orange robes.


  • Panæð


Nomenclature: Kavallun Dekàlic: Kavàllūn (circle), Kavàlli (pertaining to), Kavàllyn (member), Kavàllyr (members), Kavàllic (cant)