

A rat scurries busily down a dark corridor, keeping close to the wall to avoid attention. She dodges through an open doorway and continues along a low molding until she reaches a hole in the wall. Climbing deftly down a series of pipes she enters an abandoned chamber. Here, she regains her breath before continuing down an aisle of empty book shelves. Near the end of the row she squeezes her bulk between two cabinets; this wasn’t such a tight squeeze a few weeks ago. An open pipe behind the cabinets leads into the stonework, concealing her den. She hastily adds the new paper shreds to the nest, pausing only a moment before leaving to gather more. The soon-to-be mother rat never stops to look at the writing on the paper and even if she did, she wouldn’t understand that its from a volume that includes all entries from Ib, now Ic through Iz.

Pronunciation Key: I (hard i = ice, ion), IH (soft i = ink, itch)

  • Icharagôl (ihk AYR ah GO-ol); Ic.Eyl. (rf. Icharagôl)
  • Içrāe Eylfārehl (ihk RA EHL fayr ehl); Ic.Eyl. (rf. Içrāe Eylfārehl)
  • Īdhàraghádi (ihd HAHR ahg HAH de); Dra. Dragul.
  • Idus (I duhs); OKæn. Helpful mage that Alcèrra Nàdrelan released from the black tome in Kry Ōddon. Mage who had been wandered through the ruins of Ildûn hundreds of years earlier, when he was consumed by the book.
  • Ignammuth (ihg NAHM muth); OOð. A tall, pale, and thin archivist of the Hall of Sorrows. He was called to accompany Alcèrra and Angan to see the Guildmaster. Ignammuth seemed unconcerned when the Alcèrra’s skeleton marched back through the guildhouse.
  • Ikirikirittik (ihk IHR ihk IHR iht-tihk); Ikir. Member or members of an insectoid race of Teréth End.
  • Ikurul (IHK uhr uhl); 1. OOð. Powerful underlord of the Visháshun, Kreyard, believed to traffic pirate goods; 2. Supposed owner of the stone disc that bears his name.
  • Ildûn (IHL du-uhn); 1. Dek. (rf. Ildûn) Island city-state of the Old Empire; 2. Religious center for the worship of Drāūn.
  • Ilûm (IH lu-uhm); Dek. (rf. Ilûm)
  • Ilûmna (IH lu-UHM nah); Dek. Any wizard or adept who specializes in the art of Draga Ilûm.
  • Illya (ihl LY ah); OOð. Servant of Oranold Dra who was danced to death by the Feyri.
  • Ilshen (IHL shehn); OOð. Member of the Vullinshrith Cabal.
  • Ilvir (IHL vihr); Dek. A secret society of magi. (see more)
  • imaginia (ih MAH gihn E ah); OOð. Drug classification for psychoactives; hallucinogens.
  • Imp the Mad; Oð./Trade A mage of the Lower Streets who Ændroth believes may be a member of the Northwood Coven.
  • -in (ihm); Dek. suff. A member or piece of.
  • Inkàthura (ihn KAH thur ah); Dek. The metaphysical art of dimensional gates and travel.
  • Inner Kingdoms; Trade. Those Yrūn and Dwürden kingdoms that border the Illyri and Celecan Seas; the Inner Kingdoms currently include Allyria, Celeca, Dirimor, Moreun, Palda, Tarantis, and Thirune.
  • In’Orol (IHN ohr ohl); OOð. Twelfth month of the year; last month of winter.
  • inunda (IH nuhn dah); OOð. Flooded area, marsh. 2. Bottom.
  • Inùnda Dul (IH nuhn dah DUHL); 1. OOð. Deep bottom; 2. A swamp to the south of which borders the Southswall, town of Erhet, and the Run Dul.
  • Inùnda Kirit (IH nuhn dah KIHR iht); OIld. Expansive swamp to the south of Kirít Nalam famous for its wide variety of edible mushrooms.
  • Irāyn (IHR a ehn); Dek. Lightbringer. (rf. Irāyn)
  • Irclunne (ihr CLUN neh); Dek. An area of interest to the north of .
  • Irdshor, Ænathya (AYN ahth-yah IHRD shohr); OOð. Niece of the Loston Inn’s innkeeper; inn employee.
  • Irewen (IHR eh wehn); Oð. A pauper kingdom within the Southswall.
  • Irgul (IHR guhl); Oð. Ghûl encountered by Dammon Shroudson in Cenotaph.
  • Irik (IHR ihk); Oð. A pauper kingdom within the Southswall.
  • Irkwolm, Ællath (AYL lahth IHRK wohlm); Oð. A friendly bearded blond man who frequents Bugaven’s Feast and Sleep. Allath sat and drank with the group while they were in Erhet. Allath told the group many local stories and sang a couple songs.
  • Iron Colonnade; Trade. Twin rows of large iron columns that stand before the Temple of Roð. Each column is inscribed with holy passages of Roð.
  • The Iron Crown; Trade. The ten pointed crown of the High Lords of Oð; each point represents one of the Dekàlan city-states.
  • The Iron Library; Trade. A large repository of books, scrolls, and documents believed to exist within the towering Temple of Roð. (see more)
  • Iron Throne; 1. Trade. The traditional throne for rulers of the city-state of Oð; 2. Reference to the position of High Lord within Oð.
  • Iron Wall; Trade. The massive round iron wall that wraps around the Pryard. The wall was constructed when that section of Oð’s city wall collapsed in an earthquake.
  • Irswal (IHRS wahl); Oð. A pauper kingdom within the Southswall ruled by Fōél Zâd the Black.
  • Irtithshal (ihr TIHTH shal; Oð. A small town to the south and east of Ōddon.
  • Īrul na Krûlln (I ruhl nah KRUHLN); Dek. The Warmaker. (rf. Irul)
  • Īrul-Endon (I ruhl EHN dohn); Dek. (rf. Endon the Unseated)
  • Īrul-Rûn (I ruhl RU-uhn); Dek. (rf. Rûn the Dekàkan)
  • Īrul’s Hammer (I ruhl); 1. Dek./Trade. A small tavern in Dreg’s Brewery; 2. One of the few taverns in Dreg’s Brewery owned and run by a Uren.
  • Irwal (IHR wahl); Dek. A small tabby-walled fishing town along the west shore of Argud’s Sound.
  • Irynil (ihr YHN ihl); Dek. (rf. Irynil the Waster)
  • Isereen (ihs EHR en); 1. OÆza. (582- DR) (IZ ear E ehn) High Sorceror of the Zün, Oðic sirkūla; 2. Founder of the Oðic sirkūla in 613 DR, following a 430 year absence in that region; 3. Head of the Naroð Asylum, near West Gate.
  • Ismir (IHS mihr); 1. APæn. ( -5777 LR) Ancient Erygre who authored Ismir’s History of Zaratam; 2. Pæðite missionary who was martyred as a heretic at Lanàdus before the First Expansion. His death is sometimes credited with igniting the initial expansion of the Dekàli Empire.
  • Ithyr (IHTH yhr); OOð. The Ethereal.
  • Ithyra (ihth YHR ah); OOð. Denizens of the Ithyr.
  • Ivy; 1. Trade. Sell-sword of the Lower Streets who became horribly aged by necromantic magics, and was led to the Temple of Roð for aid; 2. The first companion of the Darkfold to succumb to the curse of unluck that befalls all that help those doomed. (rf. Ivy)
  • Ixor (IHKS ohr); Dek. Governor of Genter.
  • Izzàradràgulð (IHZ zah RAY DRAH guhlth); Dra. 1. Ancient wyrm of Jædð.