

The blood from your nose is nothing compared to the juice running down the ruined face of the man whose eye you just gouged with your fingers. You marvel at the strange and savage emotion that overcame you as your fingernails scratched against the back of his skull socket. The man’s screaming had echoed for some unnatural length of time through the iron labyrinth and followed him down a dark aisle as he fled, groping at his dreadful hole. In the end, the book you both had sought was in your possession. As you pocket your bloody prize, you open the book with a more civilized hand and find that it includes all entries from Ca through Cy.

Pronunciation Key: K (soft c = card, curtain), S (soft s = circle); there is no c in Dekàlic


  • cakataka (suh KAHT ah KUH); Cra. Magic of the low ones.
  • calastra (KAH lah strah); OOð. A messenger of Kryr Shùrulm who was killed on 28 Drûr 652 DR by the unseen familiar of Dammon Shroudson.
  • Citizen. A term of polite familiarity used between Yrūn following the Oðic Occupation; a greeting exchange originally used to ferret out Acèntyrans who supposedly pronounced it differently.
  • Calsador (KAYL sah dohr); Unkn. Ancient and unspoiled land hidden in a series of high Tor’n Evalshat valleys that is home to Eylfārehl of mysterious origins (rf. Cuilarulyr). The land is protected by a geised warrior armed with mighty relics.
  • Caphar (KAH fahr); Caph. Coastal desert kingdom of northern Tassèrus.
  • Cargus (KAHR guhs); OOð. Handyman of Dolor who arranged help for Dammon Shroudson‘s repair of the House of Tharad’Zor.
  • Caris, Cræst te (KRAYST teh KAHR ihs); Oð. Grandfather of Stard te Caris who fought during the Urdar Wars of his time. Caris, Stard te (STAHRD teh KAHR ihs) Oð. A swordsman of the Northfields that aided Adāe during the Urdàri Invasion of Eren 652 DR.
  • Cave of Five Shadows; Trade. An area west of the Nūlēun Vale where Thrakzor the Wanted fashioned the spinning ring, found on the finger of Worron, according to the Eldran records.
  • Cælanar (KAYL ah nahr); Oð. A pauper kingdom within the Southswall at the edge of the Morén Nōdrul.
  • Cæleth (KAYL ehth); Oð. A pauper kingdom within the Southswall.
  • Cæloch, Madègan (mah DEH gahn KAYL ohch); Sar. A Saranði knight killed at Ēgùlðar’s Rest in Genter on 9 Vulūne 652 DR.
  • Cænden (KAYN dehn); 1. OOð. A small marsh-town to the north of the City of Oð. [prev. Kænden]; 2. Hometown of Jak the Red.
  • Cænden Massacre (KYEN dehn); Oð. Unfortunate incident where several townspeople and thieves were killed in the small marsh-town of Cænden. The massacre occurred following a rivalry between two groups of thieves, and the escape of one (rf. Aras) from the other (rf. Ferret). Both groups wanted the treasure of Cogham which was in the possession of Jak the Red and his friends. When the thieves learned that Jak might have the treasure they found and killed his father, Jak the Elder. When Jak the Red and his group returned to Cænden and learned of his father’s murder, the streets of Cænden were bathed in the blood of thieves. (rf. Cænden Massacre)
  • Cærolar (KAYR o lahr); OOð. (600- DR) High Lord Chamberlain of Kryr Shùrulm.
  • Cærrismar, Bæthrus (BAYTH ruhs KAYR rihs mahr); OOð. One of two Roðite paladins who served as a captain of the Black Guard.
  • Cærrost, Lord Keslem (KEHS lehm KAYR rohst); OOð. Nobleman who attended Lord Rott’s party at Kryr Shùrulm on 13 Lanal 652 DR. A heavy set man with a long mustache and rich clothes who was both surprised and anxious about his invite to the keep.
  • Ceederess (SE dehr ehs); Oð. A pauper kingdom within the Southswall.
  • Celestial Cord; Trade. A metaphysical construct that acts as an umbilical between a traveler’s home World and the World he is visiting. Celestial Cords are composed of Celestial matter (i.e., Vorgòstra) and can only be affected by items and magics attuned to this material.
  • Cenotaph Trade. Deserted borough outside the City of Oð that was infested with Ghûls from about 622 to 652 DR. The Undead infestation was later controlled by Alcèrra Nàdrelan and Aroán.
  • Centama Ground (sehn TAH mah); Oð. An old graveyard within the city walls of Oð that was recently filled to capacity by the Mourner’s Guild.
  • Cergus (KEHR guhs); OOð. ( -652 DR) Doloran peasant present at the Cenotaph cemetery tunnels.
  • Chaos; 1. Trade. (rf. Chaos); 2. That force which is embodied by Taléis.
  • Odárad; Trade. (rf. Odárad)
  • Odáradic; Trade. Language of the Odárad.
  • Cimrûn (sihm RU-uhn); OJæd. Member of the Jædðàri Tales (rf. Cimrûn).
  • Synda the Benevolent (SIHN dah); OOð. (65-103 DR) A historical figure revered by the poor of Oð, as having forfeited her inheritance on behalf of the copper-less and downtrodden, purchasing food, clothes, and shelter (rf. Cinsarkul).
  • Cinsarkul (SIHN sahr kuhl); 1. Oð. Coll. (rf. Cinsarkul); 2. OOð. “Cinda na Sarkul”.
  • cladth (klahdth); Eyl. Battleground. Although used by the Eylfāe the word is not believed to be Eylfāe originally.
  • Cladth Doril (klahdth DOHR ihl); Eyl. An area of interest to the north of the City of Oð.
  • Cladth Eldgoth (klahdth EHLD gohth); Eyl. An ancient and protected battlefield along the eastern shore of the Run Eldgoth, where hundreds of Nehkrul Neylfèrahl fell fighting the Dekàlan armies. The battle is believed to be responsible for clearing the Telàbra Plain.
  • Cladth Gnal (klahdth GUH nahl); Eyl. An area of interest to the north of the City of Oð.
  • Clæmandel, Nejredar (nehj REH dahr KLAYM ahn dehl); Oðári Tales. Oð. Guildmaster of the City of Oð‘s Mourners’ Guild who attempted to dissuade Alcèrra Nàdrelan from asserting her Temple’s claim on the funerary business, before he was “convinced” otherwise (rf. 2 Lanal 652).
  • Clocktower Square; Trade. An area in the Sulyard of the City of Oð, that is the location of the Eldran halls (rf. Oðári Tales).
  • codro (KO dro); 1. OgdG. Health, strength, and vitality; 2. The second life study of the Grūmun.
  • Cogham (KOHG hahm); Oð. Deaf old man of Mothsmire who first prompted Jak the Red into adventuring. He was tortured and killed by thieves in Tolth 652 DR by instructions of Ferret.
  • Coiling, The; Trade. A secret art practiced by the magi and Melàdra of the Eldra.
  • Colain (KO lan); Sar. Saránði knight who killed himself at Ēgùlðar’s Rest on 9 Vulūne 652.
  • Colma (KOHL mah); OOð. Old adept that fashioned the Staff of Tharad’Zor.
  • Company of the White Raven; Trade. Oðic military unit.
  • Cooruph (KOHR uhf); Shu. Shulut leader of the Ad’Anuph Shulut, who greeted Mishara on the Telàbra Plain on 19 Vulūne 652 DR.
  • Copperslough’s Tavern; Trade. A City of Oð tavern.
  • Coppersword; Trade. The lowest rank of soldier among the Merchant Guard.
  • Cordonol (kohr DOHN ohl); Unkn. An Eldran mage.
  • Cordoz, Berrum (BEHR ruhm KOHR doz); OOð. A Loston farmer who sat, talked, and smoked with Jak of Cænden and Tressta Drynsval on 11 Drûr 652 DR.
  • Corma (KOHR mah); Oð. Eldran apprentice that was killed when Dammon Shroudson‘s “familiar” escaped its thaumaturgic prison. Corma’s body was used as a vessel to murder the magician studying Dammon’s “condition” on 17 Lanal 652 DR.
  • Corner Guild; Trade. Common title for a Derékaln branch of procurers in the City of Oð. Prostitutes of the city are “encouraged” to become members of the Corner Guild.
  • Corval (KOHR vahl); OOð. Mace-wielding bodyguard of Ellich.
  • Cote du Nord, La; Unkn. A region of northern coastline of the Mar Dekàli that is home to several pirate kingdoms.
  • Councillor; Trade. A title given to magicians who held governmental appointments within the Dekàli Empire. The term probably resulted from the fact that many magicians served as advisors to the nobility of the Empire.
  • Council of Lanàdus (LAH nah duhs); 1. Oð. Parliamentary body of representative high priests who historically have selected the High Kings and Queens of Dekàlas; 2. Body of priests that make and enforce theological doctrines among the Old Empire; 3. Highest court of the Old Empire.
  • Council of Ten; Trade. Legislative body of the Dekàlan High Lords, chaired by the High Crown. In the absence of a High Crown, a chair is elected by the Council of Lanàdus from the available Crowns. Each Crown of the Council of Ten holds an equal vote except for the chair which holds three.
  • Courg (kohrg); 1. OOð. Worldly manservant of Mardus who first placed the accent of Dammon Shroudson as Lanàdric; 2. Obsc. An old worker.
  • Covenhold Trade. Home of the Northwood Coven.
  • Craden (KRA dehn); Oð. (588- DR) A druid of Wōd who lived on the outskirts of the City of Oð. Craden beach combed the sandy shores of the Kre Dùlnar every morning. A bent and angry little man with a wild white beard, browned pate, a large lower lip, and a clubfoot. He walked with the aid of a slender white driftwood staff which left odd three-mark footprints across the morning sands. He wore a gray wool wrap and bound his feet in ragged strips of cloth. A large leather pouch hung around his neck, filled with little shell talismans, stones, and mistletoe. When inspired, he left messages in the sand, but tried to leave before the sun rose. He was not fond of people. He also answered to the name Meren.
  • Crafter; Trade. Informal title of Pryr Roð, often shortened to Cr. or HCr. for High Crafters.
  • Crauss (krohws); 1. Oð. Arryllym of the Theocracy of Danok; 2. Fanatical priest that tended to Dammon Shroudson after his mugging in the City of Oð in Tolð of 652 DR.
  • Craw (krahw); Cra. (rf. Craw)
  • Crawwok (KRAHW wohk); Cra. Language of the Craw.
  • Creation; 1. Trade. A plane, sphere, or world; 2. One of four Inkàðura regions that include: Light, Dark, Twilight, and the Outside.
  • Crescent Desert; Trade. Lifeless region along the eastern coast of Ælyra formed during the destruction of the City of Ildûn.
  • Cribbir (KRIHB bihr); OOð. Jaris thief who frequents the Red Cock.
  • Cridarren Shrine (KRI daer rehn); Ooð Burial location for the Daralien family of the City of Oð.
  • The Crimson Talon; Trade. Name of a ship that Dammon dreamed about bringing him to Oð. According to Dammon’s recollections, the ship foundered in a storm prior to reaching Oð.
  • Crossed Palms; Oð. A group of beggars, misfits, fools, and poor people in the City of Oð. The symbol for the group is often a two open hands laid across one another, other times it is halved brown circle, which is supposed to resemble a halved kūdom.
  • Cruss the Fat (kruhs); Ort. (625- DR) Clanhead of the Ort Bragnar Bar; Son of Muuj.
  • Cruzmak (KRUHZ maek); Ort. (634-653 DR) Ort Retugnar scout killed by a company searching for the lost caravan of Tolvor at the valley outpost.
  • Culdur, Peætracya (PE ay TRASH yah KUHL duhr); Oð. Comely married Yrūn wench of Cænden that took a shine to Mishara Silverpoint during his bow and arrow lessons.
  • Culpæth (KUHL payth); Oð. A pauper kingdom within the Southswall.
  • Curlp (kuhrlp); Oð. Attendant record-keeper at the Hall of Sorrows in the City of Oð.
  • curossom (kuhr OHS sohm); Dek. An edible red morel that grows among pine needles that is common north of the Tor’n Evalshat.
  • Cuzrul, The (KUHZ ruhl); Unkn. Solitary mystics of the Lower Streets.
  • Cyrdanis (kihr DAHN ihs); OOð. Ranger of the Deephold brotherhood who was introduced into the Oðári Tales following Kaithah’s funeral in the Aurás Drūden (i.e., Silverwood).