

The woman’s screams echoed through the empty space that hung darkly above the ponderous stacks. This hadn’t been what she wanted at all, not here. The researchers and librarians scrambled blindly, unsure of what to do. Upon an oaken table piled with tomes lay a woman with her robes pulled to her waist. Books lay on the floor about them, having been pushed off the high tabletop to make room. Kneeling before her, a wizened old man with heavy spectacles and shaking hands eyed her carefully with a cocked eyebrow. There was something stirring, but in the bad light he just couldn’t be sure. Heralded by grunts, groans, and screaming a head appeared followed slowly by a small wet body. The old man cradled the newborn girl in his arms, but the baby was wet with slime and it slipped from his hands. The onlookers around them, who had been clapping a second before, let out a unified gasp as the baby fell to the end of its umbilical. Instead of jumping forward to save it, the people marveled as the infant swung back and forth beneath the table’s edge. Briefly opening her eyes, the upside-down infant girl saw the blurry outline of an open-faced book lying beneath her. Though she could not make out the beautiful calligraphy, something inside her head knew that it was a book including all entries from Sa through Sh.

Pronunciation Key: S (soft s = son, strong)


  • Sadast; Unkn. ( -652 DR) Kyard mage killed by Crauss and Dammon Shroudson on 27 Tolð 652 DR. Previous owner of the Eye of Uul.
  • Sadborn’s Shipping Company; Oð./Trade. Genter shipping merchant dealing with illicit goods arriving at Dagger Peninsula and moving north through Highgate. The company is given ample breathing space due to suspected ties with the Fat Man.
  • Sætùr Fel (sa EHT uhr fehl); Unkn. (rf. Sætùr Fel)
  • sald; Dek. Five. (see also shald)
  • salámadra; 1. Dek. A fire elemental; 2. The dynamic of fire; 3. Obsc. Metaphysical residue of Phlōgòstrū left behind after a flame’s passing.
  • Salkàyim of Irzàl Marud; (rf. Salkàyim of Irzàl Marud)
  • Salmaras, Lady; Oð. Wife of Lord Sunddon Yurander, second in line for the Ōddon throne.
  • Samad; Dek. (orig. Samaladuluth) The most ancient Bloodling Dragul; mother of Dragul.
  • Samaladuluth; Dra. Bloodling Dragul. (also Samad)
  • sar; 1. Dek. Enduring, lasting; 2. Nimble.
  • Saranð; Sar. (rf. Saranð)
  • Saránði; Sar. Of Saranð.
  • Sarçzal, Ilígis; Dek. (1162-1223 HK) Taládan composer. Most famous for his opera, the Rape of Taldàna. Sarçzal was a favorite in the courts of Taldàna until his death in the early 13th century HK.
  • sarcul; OOð. A memorial shrine.
  • Sarnus; OOð. (rf. Sarnus) Neighborhood where the compound of Torrom’s Watch was found.
  • sar órgar (sahr ohr GAHR); Dek. 1. A lateen sailed felucca. (also Ships of the Old Empire)
  • Sarrad; 1. OOð. Roðite High Priest of the Kyard.; 2. Guest of Lord Rott’s, invited to hear Kaithah Argentale and the Lord’s Musicians play on 13 Lanal 652 Dr at Kry Shurúlm.
  • Sarus; 1. OOð. Old deaf and blind priest of Roð that “listened” to the Portal at Kyrm Oryroð in the City of Oð; 2. Old priest that Alcèrra Nàdrelan tried to question before realizing her folly.
  • Sathereh, Terrun; OTal. ( -432 DR) Legendary adventuring Priest of Amra that lived in the 5th century DR and died while saving Taldàna from invading Ortor, without compromising his decadent and luxurious lifestyle.
  • Savar’Dirm; Dek. Souththeast shore of Ælyra where Savàrin the White’s forces landed in the Autumn of 98 HK.
  • Savàrin the White; Dek. Campaigning magician-warrior who led Dekàlan forces to victory during the second invasion of Ælyra, viewed as a villain in Ælyri Ildûn history for his execution of Ēōyn chieftains and warriors.
  • Savàrin’s Wall; Dek. Defensive fortification held by Savàrin’s forces for almost eleven years until reinforcements and supplies could be readied and cached to support a final push into Kirít Nalam. Though called a “wall”, the fortification became something more of a fortress over the years, it’s ruins rising even today from the southern shores of the the Inùnda Kirit.
  • Scar; Oð. Name of Citalla Marenzon’s sword.
  • Scarlet, Elsun; Oð. Pseudonym for Ferret, leader of a small band of Derékaln thieves.
  • Scarred Wastes; Oð. A lifeless region along the northern edge of the Nar Drūden.
  • scral; Murd. Deep.
  • Scruwl; 1. OOð. (rf. Scruwl) Seacommon; 2. Trade, common language shared by some sentient water-breathing creatures.
  • Sea of Odìmis; Trade./Unkn. (rf. Sea of Odìmis)
  • Sea of Pæð; Trade./Dek. (rf. Sea of Pæð).
  • Sea of Zalū; Oð. (rf. Sea of Zalū)
  • Seereth; 1. OOð. Old woman that once lived on the southern shore of what what is now named Seereth’s Swell. People came from long distances to hear her prophecies, which she would give at the water’s edge, peering deep into the waters with a long bent stick. A small stone shrine to Sūdul stands on the shore where her hut is believed to have stood; 2. Name of community on north shore of the Swell, named after the oracle Seereth.
  • Seereth’s Swell; OOð./Trade. (rf. Seereth’s Swell)
  • Seleku; OJæd. Woman attendant at the ivory tower in Zembra who asked Zuroolly Hicubaba to leave when he was inspecting the stonework on 4 Mar 653 DR. Seleku is a tall and thin woman with sharp narrow features and long braided hair, her accent can betray her as a native of southern Jædð, near Çardra.
  • selha; Sha. Magical energies harnessed by the Sha’al Alas.
  • Sentinel; Trade. Name attributed to the large metal guardians set throughout the City of Oð to defend the city and protect the interests of Kyrm Oryroð. Also referred to as Ormic Sentinels.
  • seprum; Dek. A complete and unabridged collection.
  • Serájarim (seh RAH jzahr IHM) /sʌ’ɹɑ.dʒɑɹˌɪm/; Ser. The third great Yrūn Empire.
  • Serdùrrun; Dek. The Feasting Day; the autumn holy day within the worship of Kændlan.
  • Serkaine the Depiser; Unkn./Trade. ( -520 DR) Infamous magician of the Nūlēun Vale.
  • Serek; Dek. An illusionist of times passed.
  • Serrel, Old; Oð. Lord Advisor to Lord Orun Yurander.
  • Setter; Oð. A member of Deephold.
  • Seven Springs; Oð. Area north of Oð where seven springs once bubbled from a hillside.
  • Sha’al; 1. Sha. (rf. Sha’al) A member of the Sha’al race; 2. Of or pertaining to the Sha’al race.
  • Sha’al Alas; Sha. Red Sha’al’ (rf. Sha’al Alas)
  • Sha’al Dsara; Sha. Striped Sha’al (rf. Sha’al Dsara)
  • Sha’al Nul; Sha. White Sha’al (rf. Sha’al Nul)
  • Sha’al Shadas; Sha. Black Sha’al (rf. Sha’al Shadas)
  • shad; 1. Oð. Any small amount of money; 2. Something worthless.
  • Shakal; UrOð. Ripper Urdàri notched sword of Tachalin.
  • Shalambh; Sha. (rf. Shalambh)
  • shald; OOð. Five.
  • Shalla; OOð. Jaris harlot who frequents the Red Cock.
  • Shalymar; 1. Unkn. Sell-sword of the Lower Streets who was captured and imprisoned by Ikurul; 2. The second companion of the Darkfold to succumb to the curse of unluck that befalls all that help the doomed.
  • Shaman Stones; Trade. Large glyph-ridden boulders throughout the Nar Drūden, venerated by the local Urdàri tribes.
  • Shandal’s; OOð. An Oðic winery, located on the hillsides of Valeden.
  • Shar, The; Unkn. A vast jungle in central Teréðor; the forested western reaches of the Shar Cradle.
  • Sharak (shahr AHK); 1. Dek. (rf. (Sharak) Eleventh month of the Dekàlan calendar; 2. Winter zodiac for last week of the eleventh month.
  • Sharan; 1. Unkn. A small god of Jædð; 2. The elder god; age, wisdom.
  • Shard, Allad; OOð. Man executed by the Merchants’ Guard for the maiming of a grocer.
  • Shard, Ethon; OOð. Man executed by the Merchants’ Guard in the North Square on 16 Tolð 652 DR for maiming a grocer. His brother Allad, who was also involved, was executed months before.
  • Sharm Ðojir; 1. OJæd. Bridge to Ðojir; crossing of southern Jædð that spans the Run Gyurn, connecting Akàzjir with Ðojir; 2. Area used by Arun Karçur for recruiting people for dangerous jobs.
  • Sharrom the Journeyer; OKæn. ( -363 DR) A 4th century DR traveler-explorer who kept detailed journals about his journeys through post-Dekàlan lands and the Teréðor interior. He is believed to be the first Yrūn man to visit each of the ten Dekàlan city-states since theEmpire’s fall.
  • Shildder, Orad; OOð. Old priest of Roð that sits at the Lookout of the Kyrm Oryroð, overlooking the City.
  • Shojum; (rf. Shojum)
  • Sholl; 1. Unkn. small god of Jædð; 2. The silent god; quiet, patience.
  • Shophuroh (SHO fehr O) /’ʃoʊ.fɚˌoʊ/; Sho. (rf. Shophuroh)
  • Shreker; Unkn. The Wild Wind, The Spinning God, The Black Wind. An aspect of Naðal who appears as a mottled gray crone with sunken cheeks and body, twisted limbs, and dark blue-gray hair. Shreker wanders the mountains and seas gathering winds to cast at the lowlands and coastlines with her staff, Tukulumn.
  • Shroud, The; Trade. Priests of Zyrr.
  • Shry; OOð. Jaris cut-purse who frequents the Red Cock.
  • Shul; Shu. (rf. Shul)
  • Shul Canada; Shu.A half-dog half-anthropoid Shul race.
  • Shul Capru; Shu. A half-goat half-anthropoid Shul race.
  • Shul Cathara; Shu. A half-bird half-anthropoid Shul race.
  • Shul Cered; Shu. A half-deer half-anthropoid Shul race.
  • Shul Eccayda; Shu. A half-horse half-anthropoid Shul race.
  • Shul Felid; Shu. A half-cat half-anthropoid Shul race.
  • Shul Felid Fæn; Shu. A half-panther half-anthropoid Shul race found in the Vast Untamed of Tassèrus.
  • Shul Serped; Shul. A half-serpent half-anthropoid Shul race.
  • Shuldam; OOð. Soldier of the Company of the White Raven circa 652 DR.
  • Shurn; Unkn. (rf. Shurn) Handservants of Sūdul.
  • shurulm; 1. Dek. High family; 2. Dynasty.
  • Shroudson, Dammon; Olan./Trade. (rf. Dammon Shroudson)
  • Shrull; Acen. Coastal kingdom of Vulmùra along the Southern Sea.
  • ShyA-da, Is; Jædðàri Tales. (rf. Is ShyA-da)