

A scribe lifts his brush and straightens his back. He looks at the page before him, rubs his eyes, and looks at it again. It is a beautiful job he admits. The script is fine and well-formed, the border colors are perfectly mixed and each illuminated animal looks primed to leap from the parchment. Pleased with himself, he turns the page of the source book to find that the book is done. He has completed the copy of an ancient work. He leans out from his carrel but sees no-one coming to congratulate him. He didn’t expect there would be. Instead he closes the book and bundles the finished parchments with a ribbon for binding. With a heavy sigh he pulls the next volume from the shelf. Inspecting the cover he wonders why he should waste his talents copying a volume that includes all entries from Ha through Hu.

Pronunciation Key: H (soft h = hard, heavy)


  • Hack, Kirrin (KIHR rihn HAYK); Oð. Sergeant of Arms for Kry Ōddon.
  • Haladh (HAH lahd); Eyl. An Eylfāe connection with the Chaos and their environment.
  • Halat Thezaran (HAYL aht THEH zahr ayn); Eyl. A wealthy guild of Avahrlyn, the Thezaran are merchants of pipe weeds. The most current and popular export (bluntleaf) is a weed that leaves mortals addicted and stupid (i.e. “blunt”).
  • Haldress, Gwendin (GWEHN dihn HAHL drehs); O.Tal. Mother of Tressta Drynsval; wife of Tomach Drynsval.
  • Hall of Sentinels; Trade. Large chamber within Kyrm Oryroð housing an army of Sentinels. The room may have served as a workshop for the automatons at some time in the distant past. It is unknown how many of the sentinels present in the hall are “active”.
  • Hall of Sorrows; Trade. A large building on the south side of Temple Square that is the headquarters for the City of Oð Mourners’ Guild. The hall is home to a massive repository of the guild’s records and operations for the last several hundred years.
  • Halvarel (HAYL vahr ehl); 1. Oð. An Yrūn that displays Eylfāe features; 2. Though some intriguing features and abilities have manifested in Yrūn from time to time, true Halveral are not believed to be possible.
  • Halver (HAYV ehr); Oð. Name of the short race of people that live in and around Oð. The term is not given to Dwürden, and is considered derogatory, although most use it just the same.
  • Ham (haym); Oð. Small gypsy child who lured the company into an ambush with Oddo and the bandits.
  • Hanat (HAH naht); Oð. Small coastside town along the Nyr Platan, south of Oð.
  • Hangman’s Tree; Trade. The Hanging Tree. A tall spreading tree along the Northroad above Sullet’s Square that was once used for local executions. Local lore explains that once a man was unjustly killed there by the townspeople, and haunts the tree and roadside to this day. The tree’s base is crowded with small sunken cairns. Recent and notable hangings have included Egren the Bad (650 DR), Yala Sturn (647 DR), and the magician Jacant Meder (638 DR). Until a few years ago, a chair was leaned against the trunk, to make it easier for hangings.
  • Haragin’s School (HAR ah gihn); Oð./Trade. Respected school in the City of Oð, reserved for the children of merchants.
  • Harbor Ward; Trade. Ward in the City of Oð that hugs the southern shore of the Kre Dulnar. (rf. Kreyard)
  • Hardrok the Wise (HA drohk); Dek./Trade. ( -73 DR) Roðite priest and theologian who founded the Iron Library (62 DR) in the City of Oð. Hardrok wrote several treatises on work ethics which became the foundation for later works by puritan ethicists Pazart, Merant, Lom, and others. Hardrok’s tomb is located on the floor of the main reading room of the Iron Library.
  • Harmus (HAHR muhs); Oð. Doloran peasant present at the Cenotaph cemetery. Organized the peasant militia that sought to vanquish the Ghûls once and for all. Ex-Merchant Guard, relieved of duty due to poor judgment and lack of profits.
  • Hat; Trade. 1. A short round Halver who usually wears a large colorful hat with striking plumes, baubles, buttons, and medals; 2. A member of Endren’s Seven and hero to the people of Dreg’s Brewery. (rf. The Oðári Tales)
  • Headless Hag Inn; Trade. Popular upscale Harbor Ward inn.
  • Hedrym (HEH drihm); OIld. Ancient Ælyri horse clan of Gyrdon who were defeated by the Merdun Fer at the Plains of Vyr.
  • heedar (HE dahr); Dek. 1. Bloodthirsty pale gray winged goblins that inhabit dark or subterranean areas.
  • Hela’s Command (HEHL ah); Oð./Trade. Elite Oðic military unit whose command is the protection of the High Lord’s person. (rf. The Oðári Tales)
  • Hefty Wench Inn, The; Trade. One of two inns in Wesridge, recognizable by the wooden bole-statue of an obese barmaid with a ale mug upraised near the front door. The ground floor is often transformed into a boisterous beer hall. Overnight rooms are available for a few Aurad in the basement. (rf. House of Dreaming)
  • Hero of Boor; Unkn. Any member of the Fiery Isthmus Boor tribe that has crossed the Pit of the Fire Goddess thereby earning the “Right of Heroes”. (rf. Black Tom)
  • Hicubaba, Zuroolly (zuhr OOL le HIHC u BAH bah); Unkn. Member of the Jædðàri Tales. (rf. Zuroolly Hicubaba)
  • Highgate; Trade. The southern-most gate along the wall of Oð; opens onto the Genter road.
  • High Guard, The; Trade. Elite Oðic military unit whose command is the guardianship of the High Lord’s property. Currently captained by Zulref. (see more)
  • High King; Trade. 1. Supreme ruler of Dekàlas; 2. He who sits upon the Dragar’Na Tom in Kryr Trèmendūm; 3. When a High King (or Queen) is selected by the Council of Lanàdus the ruler is given the opportunity to accept or deny the Calling. If the selected ruler accepts, they must sail to Lanàdus to receive the Dragul Crown. During the reign of a High King, their home city-state is ruled in abstentia by the heir apparent in conjunction with the High Temple of that city-state, each body is given equal votes on all issues, with deadlocks presented to the High King.
  • hith (hihth); OOð. Half; partial.
  • hiththard (HIHTH thahrd); OOð. Squire; aspiring knight.
  • HK; Dek. Abrrev. Year of the High King.
  • Hole, The; Trade. (rf. Lower Streets)
  • Hoklorn (HOHK lohrn); OOð. One of three Mistvale teamsters who frequently drive trading wagons to Avahrlyn and back.
  • Horden (HOHR dehn); Kæn. (345-418 DR) Kændàlan composer.
  • Horgerman, Maddan (MAYD dehn HOHR gehr mayn); OOð. Genter Guildmaster of the Mourners’ Guild.
  • Hôrk (HO-ohrk); Murd. 1. Elemental earthen race; progeny of Sharak.
  • Hor Jordol (HOHR JOHR dohl); 1. OJæd. Plateau of stone that rises above the City of Jædð; 2. Foundation of stone blocks on which the Old City is built.
  • House of Dreaming, The; Trade. One of two inns in Wesridge. The inn is owned by the widow Alō Madrælō. A plaque above the entrance bears a circle and triangle; the symbol of Sūdul. (rf. Hefty Wench Inn)
  • Huddrum (HUD druhm); OOð. Soldier assigned to help find the caravan of Ettegus Tolvor.
  • Hūdū (HU du); OOð. 1. Unnaturally powerful hunter; 2. Mysterious predators of the Lower Streets. (rf. Hūdū)
  • Hummel (HUHM mehl); Unkn. A farming family of the Northfields.
  • Hummel, Mariea (mah RI e ah HUHM mehl); Unkn. Farmwife whom Adāe requested to make bandages during the Urdar Invasion of Eren 652 DR.
  • Hundred Gods, The; Trade. The first group of immortals, according to Dekàlan legend, were born from the fruits of the Eternal Tree; many of these were destroyed during the First War.
  • Hunters’ Isle; Trade. A small island off the northern coast of the Lord’s Island; location of an ancient hunting lodge used by the Lords of Oð, and their guests. The island seems remote, but has all the amenities of a resort. Though largely abandoned now, the island hosts several guards and a skeleton crew of servants to keep the repairs in order, should the Lord surprise them with an uncharacteristic visit.
  • Hurgr (HUHR guhr); Ort. (628-653 DR) Ortori shaman who answered the sounding-horn of Torgoz by assembling a pack of wargs to avenge the murder of the Ortòri scouts; he and the Worgs tracked the company for two days across rugged mountains before attacking. He was killed by Mishara Mythdaras on 12 Maran 653 DR.
  • Hurrun (HUHR run); Oð. One of two Tavernton thieves permitted to leave the Village of Cænden following the Cænden Massacre. Hurrun was a friend of Aras.