
Metamorphic Way of Creation

Krēádra is the most powerful of the magic arts. The Krēádra magician creates something which did not exist before. Creation is achieved through force of will over energy, and energy over matter. Some consider the Way of Krēádra to be a god-like ability that is too dangerous for Mortal men. In Kændal for instance, most Krēádra magics are outlawed by the Cult of Kændlan. The cultists believe that “artificial” creation destroys the balance of birth, death, and re-birth by introducing objects and creatures that exist outside of Kændlan’s sacred circles.

“22 Eren 583 DR. The conjurer Ōtòra is dead. Our prayers led us unfailingly to her mountain lair. Many abominations assailed us. Our righteous strength prevailed against these vile creations. Her books and implements are burned. All is restored. Kændlan be praised.” – Journal entry of Sir Tīrùs Cādar

There are several stages of creation that a magician must perfect before becoming a master Krēádryn.

  • Sūðûn. The first stage of Krēádra is sūðûn. Sūðûn is the ability to construct a detailed mental image (phantàrum) within one’s mind. This ability is not easy and often requires years of meditative study. Once a magician has mastered sūðûn, she is able to hold a complete image in her mind, rendered to perfection. If creation is attempted without first visualizing this phantàrum, it becomes non-viable and quickly dissipates.
  • Iladð. The second stage of Krēádra is iladð. Iladð is the act of extracting a magical matrix from the phantàrum upon which the creation can be fashioned. Iladð constructs are insubstantial forms that are not dissimilar to Ilûm illusions; these can include sounds.
  • Vordis. The third stage of Krēádra is vordis. Vordis is the act of assembling a physical form upon an iladð latticework. Vordis creations are temporary without the fourth stage of Krēádra, kændàra. Permanence of form is attained by the binding of matter to essence.
  • Kændàra. The last and most difficult stage of Krēádra is Kændàra, which grants the inanimate form, life. Kændàra is the most complex step within the stages of Krēádra and only achieved by the most committed conjurers. It is believed that the faithful of Kændlan can detect when this “veil” has been breached and do all in their power to stop it from doing further damage to their sacred cycles (similar to the faithful of Drāūn).

Notables of Krēádra include: Jzar the Mad (of Oð).




  • Growing Rain (krēádra Mærū)
  • Health’s Bestowal (krēádra Voradrū)
  • Seed of Memory (krēádra Kadàktrū)


  • Drūvèrdor. Drūvèrdor are found in ancient forests, usually buried beneath Ages of dried autumn leaves and dirt. Appearing as green oak leaves, the Drūvèrdor are believed to be leaves from the children of Drū Irígrim. Despite their great age, these leaves retain their original color. Once used for Weaving however, their color changes to a fiery red-orange. Finding these green leaves is not an easy task, as the leaves radiate a negligible degree of magic. The Eylfāe use a special breed of dog to find the Drūvèrdor. These leaves are useful for both Krēádra and Or Kàntrū magics.


  • Nethertome of Jzar the Mad. This is an invaluable but cautionary reference into the arts of Krēádra and Inkàðura. Describing the original tome is impossible because all remaining copies have been re-assembled and bound by later owners. The sheets of the book are parchment and appear to be handwritten, though the handwriting changes with each copy. Once the reader accustoms himself to the medieval scrawl, the books’ passages reveal their fully realized revelations of madness. The spiraling content is arranged in both lines and psychotic patterns, variable between the books; bringing into question the sanity of scribe and author. The nightmarish descriptions that fill the tome piece together the life of a conjurer and his findings between the borders of phantom and reality. If the book is to be believed, Jzar was able to create or summon entities that were both real and imaginary, which haunted him until his death circa 200 DR. History makes no mention of the original manuscript’s fate. (458 pages)
    • Author: Jzar the Mad
    • Language/Script: Old Oðic G: 15+, WoD: 2; High Davar
    • Written: Oð, bet 140-200 DR
    • Published: City of Oð, Unkn., 340 DR
    • Copies: 8; House of Ðarad’Zor (Oð)

Nomenclature: Kreadra Dekàlic: Krēádra (magical way), Krēádri (pertaining to), Krēádryn (specialist, conjurer), Krēádryr (specialists, conjurers)