
Etheria includes some narcotics, painkillers, and mild-hallucinogens.

  • Lūvel. A commonly cultivated perennial bush of the Fertile Coast, deep green Lūvel produces flower pods both in the Spring and Autumn. Before the pods blossom, they are harvested and ground into coarse grindings which are pipe-smoked. The Lūvel grindings are often mixed with other herbs to give it a more pleasing aroma, as the unaltered product’s bouquet has been compared to Ghûl undergarments. Amended or not, smoked Lūvel gives a pleasant high without the risk of addiction. Although there are no impairing cognitive effects, Lūvel has a reputation for erasing inhibitions. Lūvel-talk is conversation without the restraint of cultural expectations or filters. Nakedness also appears to be a common side-effect of smoking Lūvel. Natives of the Fertile Coast view promiscuity while under the effects of Lūvel differently than promiscuity in a sober state. Lūvel-affairs are considered acceptable by many. Those under the influence however rarely show good-judgment and have been known to “choose” inappropriate targets for their desires, e.g., family, animals, members of the same sex.
  • Morjk.
  • Serül.