
History has buried countless gods. Those few extinct Cults that are remembered have usually offered something to history that demands attention. Sometimes all that remains of these faiths are weather-worn statues left to blindly stare across the countrysides and centuries. Other times these Cults have undergone complete transformations from Old to New as civilization has moved forward and the needs of its worshipers have changed.

  • Cult of Ardooran (King of the dead, ancient Olood)
  • Cult of Borm (Iksaris god of earth, ancient Taldàna)
  • Cult of Lanas (Spirit-god of Lanàdus)
  • Cult of Luch (Iksaris god of the sky, ancient Taldàna)
  • Cult of Murum (Iksaris god of the sea, ancient Taldàna)
  • Cult of the Red Stag (Ezira god of life, ancient )
  • Cult of Shus (Iksaris god of wind, ancient Taldàna)
  • Cult of Tegka (Iksaris god of fire, ancient Taldàna)