Snaking Pass

Valley of the Fallen

Few areas are stained with as much blood and history as the Snaking Pass of Teréðor. The Snaking Pass is a natural passage that connects the fertile hills of Kændal with the defiled Highlands of the Nūlēun Vale. The backdrop for many legends and wars, it is said that the Snaking Pass is soaked with the blood of sons from every Dekàli generation. The earliest stories recount the epic battle of Sūlyel and Sharak and the seminal March of Rûn to the remote mountain citadel of Wyrthyr Tor. There are numberless accounts of perennial Ortòri raids with their desperate inhuman columns pouring from the walls of the Tor’n Nuld and Tor’n Sharak. Most recently come tales of the rising of night-clad Nalðàzam and its horrid denizens, freed from their ancient subterranean prisons.

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