
The Drowned Land

Mulūk, ca. 653 DR

Middle Kingdoms, Mulūk, ca. 653 DR

Mulūk is renown for its primeval forests, rich lumber, and bountiful wildlife. Many visitors are surprised to find that this Middle Kingdom is almost completely underwater. From the mouth of the Urd Urnagur to the feet of the Knar Kùlgor mountains, the central plain of Mulūk is a wide gray slough collecting water from three mountain ranges. For most of the year the swamp is stagnant and unmoving, but every Spring the mountain melt washes through the basin, leaving the bayous clean for almost a month. The regions surrounding the wetlands are highland forests, where most of the nation’s timber is harvested.

The most widely-recognized icon of Mulūk is the Skurd. These deer-like animals are size of horses and were domesticated as mounts in the early Third Age. The swift Skurd are able runners, leapers, and navigators of the region’s flooded interior. Skurd stags may not be held captive, and roam the region with impunity. Only members of the Mulkgèmot may ride the male Skurd.



  • PopulationMulūkyr (650 DR) 960,770
  • Races – Yrūn 53%, Shul 30%, Sha’al 6%, Ortor 5%, Urdar 3%, other 3%
  • Ethnicities
  • Languages – Mulūkic, Saráddic
  • Religions


  • Currency
  • Imports – Ale, cheese, produce, textiles, wine
  • Exports – Drugs, furs, herbs, lumber, mushrooms, ore

All cities within Mulūk are free (i.e., self-governed).

Each summer the swamps of Mulūk become thick with black clouds of insects that strip plants bare and in some cases, chew the skin from beasts. In summers following lower than expected spring melts, the swamps grow especially muddy and stagnant. During these years the insect populations grow exponentially, and clouds of mosquitoes and other flying vermin lay havoc to the land. At times these clouds have been known to travel into southern lands, destroying crops and spreading disease as they move. It was during an exceptional outbursts that the Shirū Empire first encountered the flooded lands of Mulūk in 3247 LR.

Regions, Geographic

  • Bakran Nōgul
  • Highland Forest. A cup of ancient forested hills that surround Mulūk.
  • Knar Bìrukan
  • Knar Gùlak. Mountain range that forms the border between Mulūk and the Ring of Saráddir.
  • Knar Kùlgor. Mountain range that forms the border between Mulūk and the Hidden Kingdom.
  • Lower Nōgul. Wetlands south of the Urd Urnagur and Urd Kàlak.
  • Saluk Hur. A range of hills rising from the Lower Nōgul.
  • Tardga Hur. A range of hills at the foot of the Knar Kùlgor.
  • Upper Nōgul. Wetlands north of the Urd Urnagur.

Regions, Political

Cities, Towns, and Villages

  • City of Balūkaran
  • City of Gurlin
  • City of Mirak
  • City of Nurgor
  • City of Skadàrak
  • Town of Barūl
  • Town of Bular
  • Town of Derának
  • Town of Galúkor
  • Town of Gurūgan
  • Town of Kajjar
  • Town of Kalábak
  • Town of Kardànak
  • Town of Kettèrak
  • Town of Lurūk
  • Town of Mardīrdam
  • Town of Mongròlok
  • Town of Mulūzir
  • Town of Nulmùran
  • Town of Nūlùgul
  • Town of Salúram
  • Town of Surádjar
  • Town of Surásark
  • Town of Tarálūk


  • Beldam Dün
  • Gūlak Näl
  • Īúlmur Näl
  • Keldàram Näl
  • Kulsàran Näl
  • Kumàra Näl
  • Levee Road, The. An unassuming but impressive engineering feat, the Levee Road runs the enter length of the Mulūki coast, allowing caravans to move in two-directions along the Great Trade Road. Constructed over the course of 300 years, beginning in the 66th century LR, the road has brought a great deal of business to the coastal towns and cities of Mulūk. At any time, it is not uncommon to see wagons laden with labyrinth rugs, Kirydian slaves, etc. moving along the elevated roadway. Although called a levee, the highway does not in fact inhibit the waters of Mulūk. The road is built atop an earthwork levee which is undermined by stone culverts allowing the free passage of tides, streams, and rivers beneath. Where the Urd Urnagur reaches the bay, a large staging area allows caravans to pay a moderate fee to be ferried across the gap.
  • Lurdàram Näl
  • Mandolun Näl
  • Mogrūluk Näl
  • Stone Face of Gormùlgok. A “natural” outcropping of quartzite rises above the tree-line in the north Highland Forest. People have admired the formation for centuries without recognizing a pattern to its shape. From the air, the outcropping appears as a giant open-mouthed face staring at the sky. Whether the face is sinking into the earth or emerging from it is a matter of perspective. The first to notice the rocks’ countenance were Sha’al invaders in the 33rd century LR, during the Ring Campaign. The Sha’al gave the rocks a wide berth, claiming they were the weathered remains of an ancient Jȳar. Gormùlgok is not the name of the face, but rather the name of the Yrūn guide that led the Sha’al to the site. Crystals from the Stone Face are thought to be some of the oldest artifacts in Mulūk, but their removal is forbidden. Magics placed upon the outcropping in past years, make it easy to locate those that attempt to liberate a crystal or two. Punishment depends on the capturing tribe, but often results with the thief’s blood being spilled at the site. Despite this, thieves continue to try and Arcanists continue to pay handsomely for their efforts.
  • Sulkàram Näl
  • Temple of Tōédus
  • Zadànun Näl


The majority of Mulūkyr are Yrūn, Shul, or Sha’al. Despite a contentious past that has weathered a series of migrations and wars, the current populace of Mulūk live and work well together. Each tribe is represented by a designation of elders that are sent to the capital City of Balūkaran each year to discuss and debate issues of state (i.e., Mulkgèmot). Tribes are designated as any group of 1000 or more members that was recognized by the previous Mulkgèmot. The Mulkgèmot does not control a military or levy taxes on the nation, but rather offers direction and provides a forum for dispute resolution between tribes.


Time Line


Nomenclature: Mulūk Dekàlic: Mulūk (place), Mulūki (pertaining to), Mulūkyn (resident), Mulūkyr (people), Mulūkic (language)