Sleep of Mōlìril

Sleep of Mōlìril (Vornàmyr mūátra Kadàktrū)

The “Sleep of Mōlìril” puts a large number of targets asleep.

Sēlin stepped gingerly among the slumbering forms, his soft footsteps unheard above the snores. He stopped here and there to lift a purse, empty a pocket, free a sheath, pinch a necklace, unhook an earring, or twist a ring. His Sūdulyn associate stood in the doorway, marveling at his silent gymnastics as he leapt, balanced, stretched, and danced across the scattered sleeping guildsmen. At the far end of the room, Sēlin removed the gold guild medallion from the master’s fur-trimmed collar. As the young thief stared at the bejeweled necklace, a side door slammed open and a large man stopped in the arched doorway. His small eyes peered down at his guild-mates strewn about the meeting hall floor like drunken nobles. His gaze then snapped toward Sēlin, standing atop the arms of the master’s great chair with the guild medallion in his hands. The man yelled “Thief!” and the floor came alive with groggy sounds and sluggish motion.


    • Dragàlim: mūátra Kadàktrū
    • Class/Difficulty:
    • Casting Time:
    • Cost:
    • Duration:
    • Pages: 10
    • Prerequisites: Mūátra –, Kadàktrū –; Dekàlic 15+ (High Davar)
  • WoD
    • Dragàlim: mūátra Kadàktrū
    • Class/Difficulty: Intelligence1 + Weaving: Mūátra + Kadàktrū
    • Casting Time: Instant and contested; target rolls Resolve1 + Veilery reflexively
    • Cost: 1 Mana
    • Duration: Prolonged (one scene)
    • Pages: 10
    • Prerequisites: Kadàktrū 3; Dekàlic 2 + Literacy (High Davar)



The spell was crafted by the Pryn Sūdul Mōlìril of Çardra during her time as Prydyrim. She had an invisible sōtah of a closed eye inscribed on her left palm which flashed when the spell with cast. The exact rendering of the lost sōtah is believed to have enhanced the spell’s power. Her most famous use of the spell occurred during a hallucinogenic Bloom, where she pacified rioting townsfolk in the throes of psychoses.


  1. Based on WoDp42 Attribute Uses Table