
Thaumaturgic Form of Wards

The body pulsed with light; a nauseous burning smell wafted back toward the gate. This was the third entrance they’d tried, and the third Forbiddance they’d encountered. At this rate, they would run out of guides soon. The natives had warned them about the magics that protected the old priest’s tomb, but their eyes had grown wide with the lure of Nambe stones, and their fears were forgotten. Foolish savages, Elgis thought. Scratching his head, Elgis examined the man’s body from a safe distance. He watched as small pieces of the man’s shriveled flesh drifted loose from his crumbling form and dissolved in a soft flare of light. Elgis marveled at the magics that could power such effects centuries after the last of the gates had been sealed. Standing straight, he turned and directed his group toward the fourth entrance. He would find the source if he had to march the entire village through these corridors.

Vorbìdrū is the art of protections and wards.

Notables of Vorbìdrū include: Arddùradàgus Lāllan, Nræd Nyðàryn.


Some magics employ elemental (e.g., Ilûmtrū, Leðùra, Mærū, Noltrū, Phlōgòstrū, Soróltrū, Tereðrū) manifestations which serve Vorbìdrū purposes. Elemental Vorbìdrū spells may be learned using knowledge of the elemental Form in lieu of all but 2 points of the Vorbìdrū form. At least one point must be devoted to the elemental form. The elemental component of the Vorbìdrū spell is treated as a sub-type of Vorbìdrū and designated appropriately.

Example: Lāllan’s Conflagaration creates a series of flaming orbs which orbit a target and intercept incoming attacks. While the behavior of the orbs is the result of Vorbìdrū magics, the spheres themselves are undeniably Phlōgòstrū. When determining the Dragàlim of such a spell, one must break it down: “created flames which move to protect target”. On the surface, the spell appears to have two Ways (i.e., Krēádra (create), Ælàmra (move)) and three Forms (i.e., Phlōgòstrū (flame), Vorbìdrū (protection), and Tereðrū (target)). The movement of the spheres is a result of the Vorbid form so Krēádra is used. The target (i.e., recipient) of the spell is unimportant, so Tereðrū is removed from consideration. We are left with Vorbìdrū (i.e., the purpose of the spell) and Phlōgòstrū (i.e., the elemental form which makes the spell possible). In these circumstances, the elemental sub-type of Vorbìdrū are included. In this example, Lāllan’s Conflagaration is demarcated as krēádra Vorbìdrū phlōgòstrū.





  • Shieldstone. A nondescript gray-brown rock found mostly in the mountains of central Vulmùra, Shieldstone is a potent ingredient for Vorbìdrū magics. The Dwürden Mor call the stone Kargàndurn. The stone’s scarcity may be due to the fact that many early Dwürdèni strongholds were made with the stone. Shieldstone extends the duration of Vorbìdrū magics proportionally to the size of the stone. Shieldstones may only recharge in the mountains where they were extracted. The stone has been found in small quantities throughout the world.


  • Estàrral. A polished wood bound tome bearing a Sigil of Gehem on the front cover. Readers familiar with the book read from back to front, as the sigils were originally imbued with protective magics. Most copies of the Estàrral are currently without enchantment. Estàrral contains madness inspired passages and essays written in the particularly exotic Gehèmic script. The book is known among bibliophilists as the “Ramblings of Tuddōs Maddàgrot”. Those readers that can decipher the Gehèmic script and read past Maddàgrot’s ravings will find a useful resource on the geometry of three-dimensional Vorbìdrū-dances. (304 pages)
    • Author: Tudōs Maddàgrot (Gehèmyn of Taldàna)
    • Language/Script: Taldàvar 15+
    • Written: Taldàna, cir 510 DR
    • Published: Taldàna, Arlof’s Press, 511 DR
    • Copies: 24; House of Ðarád’Zor (Oð)
  • Nedlin’s Conspiracies. A thick dark leather tome with three locks, each requiring separate keys. It is rare to find the tome and keys as a set. The book illustrates in paranoid detail the inter-relationships of secret, merchant, military, and religious organizations along the eastern coast of the Old Empire. It becomes obvious during reading that the author practices Vorbìdrū in an effort to protect himself from these entities. The author believed that these groups had discovered his unraveling of their intricate net of deception. Study of the tome gives insight into use of wards and alarms, and an outline of ancient alliances that may or may not have relevance in the present. (216 pages)
    • Author: Artùr Nedlin
    • Language/Script: Early Oðávar 15+
    • Written: Oð?, 430-438 DR
    • Published: Oð, Shord’s Press, 446 DR
    • Copies: Unkn.; House of Ðarád’Zor (Oð)

Nomenclature: Vorbidru Dekàlic: Vorbìdrū (magical form), Vorbìdri (pertaining to), Vorbìdryn (specialist), Vorbìdryr (specialists)