Children of Osøgkrū

Eren 21-23, 653 DR: Group returns to the Temple. Tallyssa tells her tale. Dammon and Zildara find their way to a subterranean orphanage run by priestess of Zalan. A familiar eats his fill. Tressta speaks with her mother and is asked to redeem herself in the family’s eyes. Zildara does some investigation. Jak trains. Tressta is tricked into meeting face-to-face with a solemn Sered who wants her to help her father, and join the Saránði cause. Tomach finally speaks to his daughter.

Continued from The Seditionist of Saranð.

Irídor, 21 Eren 653

Following a late breakfast, Jak, Zêla, and Zildara visited the chamber of Dammon to discover what they could about the mercenary’s spear. The magician was examining Salrûn’s armor, and the many carvings along the spear’s shaft and ornately notched spearhead. He identified some Vīsìktrū symbols which he did not understand and mention that the spear would guide one’s hand in battle. The writing was difficult to read, being a version of Dekàlic he’d never encountered. He further explained that there was mention of a “trick” or “secret effect” but could not discern its nature. He guessed that the effect might involve Or Dnur magics, but he could be sure. The only name he could find was “Golax” which he assumed to be the maker of the weapon. Excited at the prospect of testing the new weapon, Jak thanked him and found a courtyard where he could practice with it. Eventually he found a Temple Guard with whom he could spar, but discovered little new about the weapon.

That afternoon, Tressta visited with her sister and learned more about her abduction. She’d been stopped on the road before reaching the City of Taldàna, placed unceremoniously into a large bag and hadn’t seen the light of day since. She guessed that she’d been imprisoned in the boat for two or three days before Tressta and her companions arrived. It was all she could do for that time to keep her head above the bilge water, and it had taken every remaining ounce of her strength to knock on the hatch when she heard the conversations above. Following a long discussion she asked Tressta to summon their mother to her bedside. She also agreed to repeat the story for the benefit of a scribe, and their father’s defense. With that, Tressta left to find their mother.
While all of this was happening, Zildara wandered to the docks to find out more about the ship they’d visited last nightsdeep. After much waiting at the Port Authority, a clerk found a document identifying the orgar’s manager of record as one Thargus Melden. The clerk explained that the man managed the ship on behalf of a group of Kændàlan investors, but that he may never have set foot in the City. No captain was listed, which was irregular. Content with this, Zildara returned to the Temple to share her findings.

Zildara met with Dammon and they discussed the ship and Zalan. After hearing about the Cult, the magician told the priestess about the placed he’d found deep in the City, and the magic that was present there. Zildara agreed to accompany him so the two left the Temple to search for the hole. Dammon led her through the City, but was not at all clear where he was going. Eventually he found a street or alley that looked familiar and was able to reorient himself. Eventually they found the alley and he showed her the hole he’d found. At this point his conscience made itself known and slipped into the hole to explore the dark underground. After much waiting, the familiar returned with descriptions of symbols and a “creature” that it was able to “take care of”. Dammon did not share this point with Zildara. The familiar continued to explain that one of the symboled tunnels led to a large meeting chamber that was filled with children, mostly. When asked for more details about what might be there other than children, the thing got evasive.

Together, Dammon and Zildara climbed under the wall and dropped into the passage beneath. The priestess Channeled a small light from her fingertips which lit the brick and mortar walls. Dammon led them down a series of corridors, across a stream of refuse, through a grate and and down a winding set of misplaced stairs. Pushing through an old ornate door, they entered a large wide columned room with a domed ceiling and hundreds of niches carved from the bedrock walls. in each of the niches sat a stone ossuary bearing a family seal. In the sunken center of the room were arranged dozens of bunkbeds, many packed with sleeping children. In the center of the room, sat a thin and ugly woman wearing a long blue patchwork cloak that flowed onto the floor around her. She didn’t seem to notice her visitors. Dammon examined the room’s auras and found faint magic throughout, but stronger auras near the children. Feeling safe, the two stepped through the door.

The old Bor woman looked up toward Zildara’s light and asked “Who comes here?” Zildara identified herself and gave a gesture of Zalan’s blessing. The woman raised a robe heavy arm and returned the sign. “I am Osøgkrū,” the woman explained. “These are my children.” The room was then filled with a hundred whispers as the children asked the figure “Mother, what should we do with them?” Osøgkrū only smiled and replied that the visitors were of the faith. The blue-robed woman motioned them forward, and walked passed the bunkbeds and the wide-eyed stares of sitting children. Zildara and Osøgkrū spoke for sometime. The Bor explained that she gave a home to the City’s orphaned children and showed them how to survive. In exchange for her help each child eventually brought her a scrap of blue cloth which she would sew onto her wide robe. Osøgkrū went on to explain that years ago she found a book about the Blue Mother. At the time she could not read, but the words in the book made themselves clear to her and led her to this place where she now helps the children. Listening to Zildara’s story she offered to help the young priestess learn more of Zalan, but warned her that neither she nor the book could leave this room. Osøgkrū explained that she helped the children, and they in turn brought her food and drink from the City above. They also acted as her eyes and ears, removed as she was from the outside world. Lately however, she added sadly, some of the children were not returning and she feared the worst for them. After hours of talking, Dammon and Zildara bid their farewells and left her, promising not to reveal this location to anyone else. Leaving the mausoleum they returned up the stairs and found a child’s body laying on the brick floor, black puncture wounds covering its legs and hands. Dammon offered no explanation for the dead child. Having second thoughts, Zildara returned to speak more with Osøgkrū as the magician returned to the streets above.

At the Temple, Jak talked with Ērēus, and the Ðardor agreed that he would continue the young Ðard’s training. Tressta returned with her mother in the evening, and discussed presenting the transcript of Tallyssa’s testimony to the court. Gwendin worried that talk of Tallyssa’s kidnapping might have a bad effect on Tomach’s business, and asked Tressta to keep the testimony secret for now. She agreed. After visiting with her sister, Gwendin pulled Tressta aside and regarded her gravely. She explained that she didn’t agree with the choices Tressta had made but there was an opportunity here for her to prove her love to her father and family. Gwendin asked Tressta if she and her friends could orchestrate Tomach’s escape. Tressta was about to answer, but her mother stopped her and told her think on it, and tell her on the next evening. Tressta brought this to the attention of Jak who reserved judgment until she knew more. He did warn Tressta however to be careful with her words as she had said something in front of Paldor that might have compromised the Heartguard.

Roydor, 22 Eren 653

The next day Tressta spoke with Dammon about the feasibility of a jailbreak. The magician wasn’t sure, but said he would look into it. Dammon left the Temple grounds long enough to send have his conscience do reconnaissance on the local barracks and report back on their security. Waiting on the thing, Dammon found a nice tavern and spent the day reading.

Come evening, Tressta left the Temple and walked to her mother’s apartment. She was staying in a merchant’s area on the top floor of a simple building where she could receive visitors without embarrassment. She invited Tressta inside and quickly closed the door once she was in. Tressta asked her what was wrong because she seemed very nervous, but her mother said nothing. Gwendin pushed away from her daughter and left the room. Following her, Tressta stopped short as a man stepped through the parlor doorway. He was older gentleman in a fine coat and polished boots. Sered smiled at the sight of her. “You are more lovely than even I remember. I have waited to see you for so long.” Tressta kept her distance from him, unsure of his intentions. Seeing her unease, Sered spoke of freeing her father. When asked of her father’s involvement, Sered explained “I apologize for this cloak-and-dagger meeting, but I needed to take certain precautions due to some of the things your father has been saying. No matter, all of this unpleasantness will be behind us soon. I asked your mother to call you here to see you and tell you what is happening. You’ve likely heard that there is trouble to the South. The brave soldiers of Saranð are settling an old score, now almost 700 years old. What I am about to tell you, I tell you because I know that I can trust you and because I want more than anything to protect you and your family in the coming weeks. You see, 700 years ago the City of Taldàna was conquered by Eylfāe armies but unlike other capitals of the Old Empire, the Eylfāe have never left. For centuries this city has remained a seat of power for the Eylfāe and the Saranð armies are coming to change that. The High Lady herself is but another guise of an Eylfāe pretender who has sat upon the Albumor for two hundred years. This is not right. This will be corrected. The Saránðyr are all that remains of the true Dekàlans in this region, and it is therefore our duty to correct this ancient wrong. Sadly, the people of the Taldàna do not wish for change, even those that understand this nefarious secret. These are the true treasoners to the rightful Crown, not the brave and heart-strong men like your father. The war will be coming here soon, as it is coming to Shalvàsal. If you are to remain, you must choose your side. This is not about kingmaking, this is not about land-grabbing, this is a fight for what is good and right against an evil foe that sits waiting to crush the good people of Taldàna, again. This call to arms flows in the veins of every good Dekàlan body. We are mortal, but we will never forget.” Tressta tried to absorb all that he was saying. She knew Sered could not be trusted, but this was a story far and above crooked business dealings. This was talk of conspiracy and treason, the likes of which she’d never heard. When asked for evidence of his theory, Sered mentioned the Sleeping Plague and Great Flood of the 3rd century and the Bleeding Plague of the 4th which he claimed were Eylfāe plots used to disrupt or distract the population while resistances were crushed. He further explained that the Saránðans were not yet allied with other Dekàlan forces. When asked what would happen to Tomach if he were released, Sered explained that his family would be rewarded for their efforts and sacrifices, and that a manor in the Town of Heúldur awaited them. Tressta needed time to think on this. Sered explained that his people could make the necessary diverson if needed, provided he had two days notice. Tressta thanked him for his offer and returned to the Temple.

That same evening, Dammon’s familiar returned to him explaining that there was little that could stand in their way. The magician closed his books and left the tavern.

Sūdìdor, 23 Eren 653

The next morning, Tressta visited her jailed father. He sat in his cell unresponsive, not acknowledging the daughter he blamed for this situation. She continued to ask him questions, but the only words he muttered were “Why do you torment me?” Once Tressta mentioned Heúldur, her father turned to look at her. She explained that she had met with Sered and that options were being discussed. Tomach asked her more questions, but there was little Tressta was willing to say in the barracks jail. After a while she knocked on the visitor’s door and was escorted from the barracks.

Continued in Gambit of Sered Dassur.


  • Dammon Shroudson
  • Jak of Cænden
  • Tressta Drynsval
  • Zildara of Zalan
  • Ērēus of Amra
  • Familiar
  • Golax
  • Gwendin Drynsval
  • Osøgkrū of Zalan
  • Paldòr Batrūlan (Ship Captain)
  • Sered Dassur
  • Thargus Melden
  • Tomach Drynsval
  • Zêla ma Ler

Played: 14 Mar 2003