The Colossus of Ort Sorbur

Maran 13-14, 653 DR: The group continues through the high passes of the Tor’n Evalshat and find an abandoned Ortòri camp marked by Plague. A despondent barbarian hero is met. A headless colossus tries to destroy the party but in dying reveals a passage into the Ortòri caves. The group explores the caves and kill some Ortor guards.

Continuted from A Backward Glance.

Virídor, 13 Maran 653

Following the battle with the Wargs, the company was slow to leave morning camp. The young priest Almus walked among the soldiers, tending to their wounds, and offering what little healing he could. Once everyone was ready, the tents were disassembled and the fires doused. The horses and mules were saddled and the group push on into the peaks of the Tor’n Evalshat. By early afternoon they had climbed to their first snowfield and then followed the road along a crumbling cliff that looked down into a deep valley. Cautiously they pushed onward, wondering how a caravan could have come this way weeks before. Within two watches the ledge turned down to an ancient stone bridge that spanned the canyon’s end. In the gorge beneath the span lay ancient wreckage and horse skeletons covered with snow. Reaching the bridge, Huddrum was able to brush the snow and ice from a Dragul statue. A matching one was missing from the right side. On the far side of the bridge stood two Dwürden statues armed for war. The first to cross the icy span was Mishara. Holding onto a rope, the Eylfāe led his horse across the slick rutted stone. Near the center of the span, the horse slipped and fell screaming from the bridge, pulling the archer off the side. Holding to the rope, Mishara was able to swing back against the canyon wall as the horse crashed into the rocks and snow far below. Saldus ordered a salvage and two soldiers soon rappelled down to the horse. They grabbed what supplies they could and killed the mount. The rest of the company then continued across.

Having lost a great deal of time at Oð Bar-Dràgul, the group made camp as soon as they reached the next pass. As the tents were erected, a scout returned with news of an abandoned Ortor camp. While the others continued setting-up tents and building fires, Jak went to the nearby slope and looked down on the Ortòri tents below. Securing a rope, he descended into the camp. Nearby, he was joined by strange footprints as Dammon’s Conscience watched at a distance. The spear-man found little other than chests of carved bone flakes and old furs. The familiar however noticed a repeating symbol painted on each of the tents, including a wooden post in the camp’s center. Brushing the drifted snow from the post’s base Jak uncovered a series of stone cairns. Returning to their camp, the familiar drew the symbol in the snow. Ezíkus examined the sign and then looked gravely at those around him. It is Korgu Zgak the old priest said. “Plague”. Those gathered became very quiet. Someone brushed the symbol from the snow and each retired for the night. No one slept well, for Mamra and Wōd both shone brightly upon the mountain snow.

Palídor, 14 Maran 653

The next day, Saldus hurried the soldiers through their morning routines and the group was underway shortly after dawn. The pass turned downward, emptying into a winding canyon. As they turned into the canyon’s bottom they saw the remains of a charred wagon with a skeleton flung across its side. Farther around the bend they found more wagons tossed and splintered about the canyon floor like toys. Standing among the broken wagons stood a tall muscular figure with braided hair and blood-splattered furs. He did not seem to notice the advancing soldiers at first, buried as he was under heavy thoughts. Eventually, the man turned to the approaching company, motioning expansively at the ruin around him. “I was too late,” the warrior explained in broken Oðic. Introducing himself as Norgus of Calsàdor, the Yrūn explained that he had come across a band of Ortor attacking the wagons and had moved to kill the inhuman raiders. He might have succeeded, he added, if not for the giant they employed.

As if to answer the next question, a thunderous crack filled their ears as rock and snow broke loose of the slopes, cascading to the valley floor. A massive hand emerged from the mountainside, followed by an arm and the body of a giant monster pulling itself free from the snowy slope. Norgus drew his sword and charged the thing as Mishara loosed arrow after arrow against its frozen flesh. As most of the soldiers rallied by their captain, Huddrum and Gællus fled back up the mountain pass. Jak followed Norgus toward the slope as a massive leg broke free from the snow and a foot crashed to the ground before them, shaking stone and snow free from the valley walls. Almus blessed Saldus’ blade, who then followed the others to engage the abomination. Now free of the valley wall, all could see the entirety of the headless monster. With one great scoop, the thing snatched Norgus from the ground and stuffed his struggling body into the toothy maw embedded between its shoulders. As the circle of teeth within its gullet began to churn, blood poured down its torso. As Saldus began chopping at one of its legs, another hand scooped Jak from the ground, stuffing a second warrior into its tooth-lined maw. The thing gave a gargling scream, showering the snow with the blood of its prey, as Dammon unloaded all the magic he could muster into strokes of lightning. Without warning, the monster hesitated, stumbled, and finally fell to the valley floor. As it crashed to the ground, more snow and stone fell to the valley floor. Rushing toward its shoulders, the remaining soldiers helped Jak and mountain warrior from its toothy gullet. Both looked dead as they were maneuvered out of the creature, but with the priests’ healing were soon recovered.

With the abomination “dead”, Dammon, Ezíkus, and Almus approached the thing to determine what exactly they had fought. It was obvious from early in the fight that the monster was a construct of some sort, based on the scars, seams, and stitches that crossed its body. The colossus appeared to be an enormous Ogdar, or pieces from several giant Ogdar knitted together into a single creature. Although the head had been removed, the mouth of a giant carnivorous worm had been grafted inside its torso, with its lips sewn into a collar between the thing’s shoulders. A set of eyes, probably Ogdari, had also been sewn into the thing’s chest. Most telling were a collection of Ortòri symbols drawn on each “segment” of the monster, indicating that it had been fashioned by (or for) the Ortor. Ezíkus refused to believe that Ortòri magicians were “sophisticated” enough to create such a thing and began to suggest surrounding groups that might have be capable. it did not escape those in the valley, that the monster matched descriptions of the giant seen rampaging near Oð in recent weeks. As the others finished inspecting the thing, Jak experimented with his father’s spear, which seemed heavier in his hands this day.

While others were examining the beast and retrieving those soldiers and mounts that had fled, Tressta located an entrance that had been revealed by the last avalanche. Calling others over, the cave was first explored by Dammon’s familiar and then by Jak of Cænden. The rear of the cave was piled with furs surrounding a small gravel fire pit. Determined to be safe, the company moved into the cave for the evening. While organizing watches for the mounts outside, Flender was ordered into a pool at the rear of the cave. Swimming through a submerged tunnel, the scout surfaced in a different cave where he started a small fire. This area also was piled with furs and rough-woven blankets. Shortly, Flender was followed by all but the priests and three soldiers.

After drying themselves by Flender’s fire, the group explored farther into the cave. It was quickly obvious that the cavern was used as a passage beneath the mountain. Within minutes they came to well-constructed bridge that spanned an underground river. Beyond the bridge the air began to smell like sulfur. Huddrum, who was ordered to take point after fleeing the last battle, hesitated but was told to continue. Next, they reached a set of rough hewn stairs carved into slick flowstone. Huddrum stopped again and looked over his shoulder to see if he should continue. The soldier crumpled to the ground as an Ortor stepped into view, pulling a heavy sword from the Yrūn’s leg. Instantly, the cave was filled with Ortor charging out of the shadows with their raised axe-swords. The wounded Jak and Norgus waded forward to meet their ambushers. Mishara spotted another racing deeper into the cave and gave pursuit, but the runner quickly disappeared among the dark and cave formations. Returning to the battle, the Eylfāe was impressed with the slaughter of Ortor his friends had managed to make of their ambushers. Among the dead however was the soldier Huddrum, first of their company to perish on the High Lord’s quest.

Continued in Tunnels of the Ort Bragnar Bar.


  • Dammon Shroudson
  • Jak of Cænden
  • Mishara Mythdaras
  • Saldus Greymane
  • Tressta Drynsval
  • Allea Minst
  • Cr. Almus of Roð
  • Cluz: killed
  • Familiar
  • Elidir ur Saldagir
  • Ettegus Tolvor: unknown
  • Cr. Ezíkus of Roð
  • Farvask: killed
  • Flender Orgh
  • Gællus ur Gallon
  • Glukbr
  • Huddrum: killed
  • Kerq
  • Klakro: killed
  • Norgus of Calsàdor
  • Prek Gnar
  • Tarpun
  • Toovak: killed
  • Urmgurummur: destroyed
  • Valus ur Saldus

Played: 27 Oct 2000