A Long Awaited Day

Drûr 28 – Ældrūan 7, 652 DR: Jak is summoned to the High Lord’s court. The Lord’s Men clash with Dammon. Jak the Red and Dadra Rumm are married.Jak and Dadra are escorted to Kryr Shùrulm with their arrested fellow in tow. Meeting with an angry High Lord. Saldus is assigned as Jak’s escort. Dammon is taken to Gibbet Hill for judgment. The Vullinshrith cabal make their first public appearance as does the magician’s familiar. Alcèrra’s divine services are sought. A message is delivered to the Urdar Queen. Mishara leaves for the Ardùwū.

Continued from Assassin of the Moon.

Palídor, 28 Drûr 652

“Hear all!” Kalàstra the Messenger read allowed. “His Highness, Lord Edgur the Third of Rott, Sixteenth from Hela the Believer of Zor, Protector of the Nor Kalas Oð, Elder of the Council of Ten, summons Jak of Cænden, Son of Jak the Elder and Deyrdre Daralien, Ðard of Nolda the Contestor, to the Court of Kryr Shùrulm on this day in the Age of Katulth, the Twenty-Eighth of Drûr, in the Reckoned Year Six Hundred and Fifty-Two.”

That was how it started or ended depending on your view. The bruised and shallow breathing Dammon Shroudson lay in the shattered frozen mud. Above him stood five soldiers in the black and gray garb of the Lord’s Men, two with dual-bowed crossbows, two with swords, and a pike-man who knelt over the body of a stranger who had been ripped to shreds, by something. Adāe tended to the fallen magician, and soon Dammon’s eyes regained focus and he was sitting, staring with disbelief at his wounds. His shirt had been cut from chest to shoulder by the Captain’s sword, Saldus. His hands and ankles were tied. He was a prisoner. Those that gathered gawked at the injured and the dead with disbelief, on this Jak of Cænden’s wedding day.

Dammon was pulled to his feet and the soldiers and wedding party climbed into boats to return and finish the interrupted wedding festivities. The wind blew coldly across North Island as the crowd gathered to watch Dadra, daughter of the late Dorrod Rumm (who was killed in the Cænden Massacre) marry Jak, the hero of this small poor community. For a few moments, people may have forgotten about the magician that was trussed and guarded in the nearby Rumm household, and the dead man who had come to summon Jak to the High Lord’s court. The couple exchanged vows and rings before the priest of Roð and were wedded. When the congratulations and cheering ebbed, the group moved back toward the tables of food, and celebrated for a watch more. Then unceremoniously, Saldus instructed that it was time to leave. Jak and Dadra gathered their things and the soldiers rounded up the prisoner and the dead. The two soldiers dragging Dammon from the house yelled out as they were attacked from an unseen assailant. Saldus rushed to their aid and knocked the ankle-bound Dammon to the ground with the flat of his blade. Zermia reported that the dead messenger’s body was missing, so the troupe left Cænden without him, taking Jak, his new wife Dadra, his assistant Grūmug (who had run devotedly beside them), and the unconscious form of Dammon, to the familiar dark and sprawling keep upon the rocky headland.

Mishara and Tressta rowed Kalàstra the Messenger’s body around the deepes of the Cænden marsh, avoiding the hungry blinking eyes of its denizens. At a distant isle, which was part of Mothsmire, they were welcomed into an old woman’s home and seated near her meager swamp-moss fire. They spent the evening talking of simple things while the woman tended to her infirm husband. In the adjoining shed, the body of Kalàstra stiffened and froze into a tangled ball of torn flesh and twisted limbs.

The arrival of the Company of the White Raven was announced by two trumpet blasts, barely audible over the wind and crash of the ocean waves below. The heavy barbican swung wide in the sea-mist, and they were greeted by six members of the High Lord’s Black Guard. Bathrus Carrismar, Ðardor of Roð, greeted the travelers and escorted them deep into the warren of courtyards and curtain walls. Jak and Dadra were led different directions, and Grumug was instructed to stay near the outside soldiers’ fire-pits. Dammon’s unconscious form was dragged to the dungeons.

Bathrus and Saldus led Jak into the Hall of the High Lord where he met the angry monarch. Jak listened subduedly as the High Lord insulted him. He asked questions that Jak knew no answers for, wanting to know the purpose of Jak’s recent knighting at the hands of his sister, Nolda, the Urdar Queen. Jak was told that the High Lord had sent a Ðard to Nolda, some three years past, to deliver word of her teacher’s passing. The Ðard, whose sword Jak wore, never returned. To return this favor, the High Lord summoned Jak’s assistant Grūmug into the hall. Grūmug stumbled forward, still exhausted from running many hours through the freezing cold. Grūmug stood as tall as he could manage, looking around nervously. There was something unnatural about his features, but Jak couldn’t determined what it was. A half-dozen crossbows fired and the Grūmug collapsed to the floor. As the Yrūn illusion faded, his Kurúrdar shape reverted to its original form.

At this time, a darkly clad man stepped from the shadows and began questioning Jak about his ties to the family Daralien. He seemed intent upon learning what claims Jak made to the name. Satisfied with Jak’s ignorance, the man whispered privately with the High Lord and was excused. Rott then ordered Jak to carry a letter to his liege along with the body of Grūmug. He instructed that the letter must be guarded with his life, and not to let it fall into enemy hands. The young Ðard agreed to this. The High Lord then addressed Saldus, saying “You have helped me once before, and you will do so again. You are to become this man’s shadow while he remains in Nor Kalas Oð, unless relations are repaired with my sister, her Ðard will remain an ambassador of the state’s enemy, and accorded the rights and privileges as such. You will ensure his safety in this domain.” Saldus gave the customary obeisance, though was unhappy with the task. Addressing Jak, the High Lord added, “If you or your agents cause harm to this soldier, you, your friends, and your family will be found and executed.” Bathrus stepped forward and asked for lenience toward the Ðard of Nolda, being as though he was wedded this day under the rites of Roð. The High Lord allowed this with a wave of his hand, sending Jak away to meet his bride in a bedchamber of a noble hall within the keep.

Alídor, 1 Ældrūan 652

Come morning, Tressta and Mishara loaded Kalàstra’s frozen body into a manure handcart and started on the long, rough, and icy journey back to Cenotaph. They hoped to entreat the priestess of Drāūn to restore life to the Lord’s servant, thereby aiding aiding their imprisoned companion. The same morning Jak, Dadra, and Saldus learned of a trial to be held atop Gibbet Hill for Dammon the Accused. The magician was carted by cage-wagon to a staging area, in an outer courtyard in the northern half of Kryr Shurùlm. Jak summoned Bathrus, and spoke with the Ðardor for a time. The cage was pulled by two horses through the outer gates and up into the hills north of the keep. There, among the tall grass and creaking gibbets and gallows, Judge Johor called the crowd to order and explained the charges of high-murder and the use of criminal-magic. Zermia, acting Captain of the Company of the White Raven, explained the circumstances of the previous day’s events in the marsh Village of Cænden. She described how after her Order to arrest the defendant, he had unleashed a barrage of stinging magics that injured five soldiers, and killed the Lord’s messenger Kalàstra. Left to defend himself, Dammon Shroudson maintained that he was attacked and his actions were performed in the defense of his friend Jak of Cænden. Furthermore, he explained generally that a supernatural creature had attacked the man, but that the monster’s actions were not under his complete control. When asked to bring forth the creature, a large red wolf appeared on top of the prison wagon and growled menacingly at all those gathered. As the wolf appeared, vapid onlookers parted from the surrounding crowds, rushing forward as they chanting, “Free him, free him!”. Jak readied his spear but the crimson wolf-monster spoke to him saying, “Jak, do nothing stupid.” The monster growled again and faded from view. Following this display, Johor the Judge ordered the massing chanters be pulled from the prison wagon. The judge admitted to not understanding the nature of these magics, but ordered that should Dammon agree to destroy the wolf-monster that killed the Lord’s servant, the count of high-murder might be stricken. The magician agreed to this and was led back into the dark belly of Kryr Shùrulm.

Mishara and Tressta were exhausted and nearly frozen when they arrived in Cenotaph. Their arms ached from pushing the handcart across miles of cobbled streets. A worker led the cold and damp travelers to a small farm cottage near the cemetery where they were reunited with Alcèrra. The priestess regarded her friends coldly, having been interrupted from her new duties and rituals. After hearing her complaints, they pleaded the case of the Lord’s messenger. She explained that she would pray on the matter and upon the next Duntru she would know whether his return was Drāūn’s will, or whether it was not. She invited them to stay in the drafty cottage so long as they join her helpers in prayer and the proper evening, night, and morning rituals required of the household. Mishara and Tressta agreed to this, not wanting to return into the wintry night.

Jak, Dadra, and Saldus returned to the Village of Cænden that evening on foot. Jak carried the body of Grumug the Urdar in a bag across his shoulder. Reaching Cænden, they settled for the night.

Kændor, 2 Ældrūan 652

Following Mishara and Tressta’s return the following day, the group made preparations to revisit the Urdar Queen.

Malídor, 3 Ældrūan 652

On the morning of the third of Ældrūan, the four ventured through the frozen drizzle of Northfields, passing the mysterious canvas cube, and reaching the edge of the Nar Drūden by evening.

Amdor, 4 Ældrūan 652

The next morning they continued into the frost covered forest, turning left along a frozen stream per Mishara’s instruction. A few watches later they emerged on the battle camp’s edge that surrounded the mammoth Two Brothers. As they passed through the sprawling tent and lean-to camp, hundreds of Urdar watched from their tents, winter blankets, and burrows dug into the hillside. No movements were made to stop the strangers, but a thousand eyes studiously watched their steps. At the base of the trees, where the roots cascaded across the frozen dirt, Nolda emerged from the shadowy depths of the mound. She greeted the travelers and bid them enter, magically lighting candles as she led them to a subterranean dining room.

Seated, Tressta began to speak but the Urdar Queen silenced her, wishing to hear the words of her Ðard instead. Jak told of his meeting with the High Lord and laid the sack containing Grumug’s dead body on the floor. Urdar servants emerged from the root-covered walls, and quickly dragged the sack away as they spoke. Jak handed her the sealed message that Edgur had given him and after waving it thoughtfully over a flame, Nolda decided to read it. The message asked Nolda to stop her Urdàri attacks on Oð or the Urdàri Kingdoms would suffer for her actions. The last half of the message she read silently, glancing briefly at the Eylfāe seated across from her. Once done, she tossed the parchment into the fire, stood, and excused herself. An Urdar servant directing her guests to separate bed chambers within the Two Brothers warren. When each of the four had settled into their small separate rooms, the candlelight vanished.

Those that dreamed beneath the ancient trees dreamt of long forgotten days when Teréth End felt much younger. Standing on a beautiful coastline of ragged stone and crashing waves, the dreamers watched as galleys plied the waters, coming to land on a stretch of pebbled beach. Soldiers stepped from the boats and were greeted by men and women in colorful dress. A dark-skinned man in yellow robes stepped into the surf and spoke with the shore people, planting a sunburst staff onto the ground. The people welcomed these newcomers and showed them a path inland. As they crested a small rise they looked upon a vast but primitive village spreading out from a foundation of stone and iron. The colorful guide’s voice became audible as he pointed to the construction, the word “Roð” was clearly heard as the dream faded away.

Wōdìndor, 5 Ældrūan 652

In the morning, Nolda did not attend to her guests at breakfast and remained absent for most of the day. During the day, Jak made several requests for an audience with his liege. Her Urdar attendants claimed not to know where she was and eventually admitted that they had been forbidden to interrupt her if they did. In the evening, the Urdar Queen reappeared in time for dinner. Following the meal, she discussed some about Jak’s new responsibilities, privileges, and freedoms as a Ðard. Specifically, she pointed out that as her First (and only) Ðard, there were certain obligations should she ever gain her brother’s Crown. Until that time, she assured him, his position was more political than military. Pleased with the evening’s outcome, Nolda excused and was not seen again during their stay.

Iyldor, 6 Ældrūan 652

The morning was warmer than it had been during the days before. Mishara took this time to bid his friends farewell for the season and headed North toward Avahrlyn. Around midday Jak, Saldus, and Tressta returned through the frozen forest toward Cænden, camping near the forest’s edge.

Irídor, 7 Ældrūan 652

Jak, Saldus, and Tressta reached Cænden in the early afternoon. Much had transpired in the last several days. As they walked through the village, each of their thoughts were far away.

Continued in Child of the Sun.


  • Alcèrra Nàdrelan
  • Dammon Shroudson
  • Jak of Cænden
  • Mishara Mythdaras
  • Saldus Greymane
  • Tressta Drynsval
  • Ðrdr. Bathrus Carrismar
  • Kalàstra: killed
  • Dadra Rumm
  • Familiar
  • Danoç
  • Deyrdre Daralien: dead
  • Doctor Ever
  • Dorrod Rumm: dead
  • Eremin
  • Grūmug: killed
  • Jak the Elder: dead
  • Kurulus
  • Ðr. Lathar Mullar: dead
  • Nolda Rott
  • Shuldam
  • Turthum
  • Xurmivor Daralien
  • Zermia

Played: 07 Aug 1999