Family Troubles

Eren 9-11, 653 DR: Tressta is warned by her sister Tallyssa that her husband-to-be and father may have hired people to kidnap her. Jak and Ērēus stand vigil over a fallen Ðard. Tressta and Zildara are attacked in the outer Temple gardens. Tressta is captured and carried away on a horse. Jak faces down and captures a would-be-kidnapper but forgets the battle that transpired. After hearing Tallyssa’s testimony Dammon shifts into Owler shape and pursues Tressta’s kidnappers. Dammon encounters a flying wizardress in a tree. Dammon rescues Tressta from a farm house and returns with her. Word is received that Tressta’s father has been captured in Evermið.

Continued from The Rape of Taldàna.

Sūdìdor, 9 Eren 653

Tressta sat at a table with a good view of the harbor below. The docks were lined with hundreds of masts and flags of all shapes and colors. She smiled at the waiter as he delivered a glass of wine. Until the last Tenday, she had forgotten how nice it was not to worry about Ghûls, Grū, Kengrūlar, and the like. Sipping her drink, she looked around for her sister. She was late. Somewhere in the surrounding crowds, Ērēus, Jak, and Zildara were watching the cafe for suspicious activity. She sighed. So it wasn’t a peaceful lunch after all, but at least it looked that way. After a few minutes, a familiar figure stepped from the crowds. She was thin and her hair was tied with trailing ribbons above her head. She spotted Tressta, smiled briefly, and crossed the patio to her sister’s table. Taking a chair, Tallyssa sat and looked at her sister. Tressta wasn’t sure what she was looking for, but it was fairly obvious that she wasn’t finding it. After years of being away from home, her own sister couldn’t even pretend to be happy to see her. The two talked into the early afternoon. Tressta was updated on her parents’ health, and the state of the family since her departure three years ago. Tallyssa explained that Sered Dassur, her would-be husband, though devastated by her leaving, was still a good friend to the family and had helped their father in many business dealings. Their mother was in poor health, Tallyssa explained, but might make an effort to visit the city if Tressta couldn’t bring herself to Evermið. Her sister explained that everyone was displeased her actions and wished she would come home and make things right. When Tressta explained that her decision was final, Tallyssa’s expression grew more grave. In a whisper, she warned that Sered and their father might try something, drastic. Tressta thanked her for the warning and assured Tallyssa that she would be fine. Standing, Tallyssa wished her sister well and left the cafe.

Later at the Temple, Jak and Ērēus talked at length about Jak’s knighthood. Jak explained how he had been given the ring of Karrus Nezràvan, and later knighted by the High Lord’s sister, known as the Urdàri Queen. Ērēus listened with interest, but kept returning to the point that Jak had no formal training. The Ðardor offered to help Jak in this regard, the best that he could given the constraints of their clandestine agenda. When Jak agreed to this, the Heartguard explained that his training could begin immediately. Ērēus explained that a Ðard had been killed in fighting to the south, and his body was being brought to Kyrm Or’Amra. Once the body arrived, it would lie in Honor within the Temple grounds for three days. During this time, soldiers and Ðardram of Taldàna were expected to keep Vigil over the man’s body. Jak agreed to help. That evening, the two met at a stone shrine located deep within the garden maze of walkways, bridges, and waterfalls. There, laid before them was the armored body of a Yrūn Ðard who had been killed in early fighting near Shalvàsal. The body had been transported to Taldàna where it was rubbed with preservative oils and perfumes. Three censers burned with a heady incense that filled with air with circling wisps of color. Breathing the ceremonial smoke, Jak could immediately feel a strange sensation overcome him. As he took his position near the corpse, the spear of his father in his hands, he couldn’t help but noticed that it looked like the Ðard was breathing.

It was late evening when Tressta and Zildara wandered out through the gardens. They had hoped to visit the Vigil and perhaps find climbing moon-flowers that the attendants had mentioned earlier in their stay. While wandering through the temple grounds, a shadowy figure stepped from behind a hedge. As Tressta tried to determine who the person was, they drew a curved red sword which pulsed with a soft glow. Tressta screamed and turned to run. There were footsteps behind her and somewhere above she could also hear a woman’s voice, chanting Arcane phrases. Nearby, Zildara ran toward the scream but stopped as she saw the swordsman’s blade glowing in the shadows. Hiding behind a statue, she spied a figure standing in the air above, her layered robes flapping in a spiraling wind that kept her aloft. Next to the swordsman, Tressta stood unmoving, her limbs frozen in mid-stride. The swordsman stepped back as a third figure emerged and threw a sack over Tressta’s head. Hefting her over one shoulder, the two darted away through the hedges and statuary. Deeper in the garden, Ērēus shook himself from his incense-induced reverie and stepped from the shrine. Spotting the flying magician, he grabbed Jak and the two raced through the maze-like garden. Zildara tried keeping to the shadows as she followed the two figures, but as they neared the wall that encircled the temple grounds, the swordsman stopped and looked back. Spotted, Zildara stepped out from a hedge with a sword in her hand. The Bor swordsman told the other to continue as he advanced on the shadower. Somewhere nearby, Jak and Ērēus heard the tell-tale ring of clashing swords, but when they arrived they found Zildara curled upon the ground as blood poured from a grievous chest wound. As Ērēus knelt to tend to the unconscious woman, the flying magician Weaved a second spell that blinded the Ðardor. Jak raced toward the wall, where a he spotted a man dropping Tressta’s body over the top of the wall, and scrambling over after her. Running to the wall, Jak leaped, grabbed the top, and hauled himself over, landing in a heap on the far side. Picking himself up he saw a rider in the distance, spurring his horse into a gallop as he fled into the city streets. Jak grabbed a nearby horse but noticed a second figure climbing over the wall close by. Tightening his grip on the spear, Jak charged the figure. The man made a strange gesture with his hand and whispered “Forget”.

Jak captures assassin. Dammon changes into Owler and flies across countryside.

Talídor, 10 Eren 653

Nightsdeep; Dammon encounters flying sorceress, pursues to farming cottage. Dammon crawls into loft as a mouse, grabs Tressta’s unconscious form, and erupts from house as an Owler. Dammon chased through countryside, hides in woods. Rests. Morning; Ērēus’ blindness is repaired. Jak visits and interrogates assassin in barracks cell. Dammon returns to Taldàna with Tressta. Day; recuperating.

Padídor, 11 Eren 653

Morning; Tressta told that father has been captured and is being brought to city. Husband-to-be Sered Dassur at large. Tressta requests her mother be brought to the City of Taldàna as well.

Continued in Gwendin’s Tale. See also Night of the Owler tangent.


  • Dammon Shroudson
  • Jak of Cænden
  • Tressta Drynsval
  • Zildara of Zalan
  • High Priestess Elésea the Ninth of Amra
  • Ērēus of Amra
  • Familiar
  • Gwendin Drynsval
  • Ilzirya of Olood
  • Kaédus the Messenger
  • Ðr. Laérd Luréu: dead
  • Salrûn of Carámis
  • Sered Dassur
  • Tallyssa Elyce
  • Tomach Drynsval

Played: 16 Nov 2002