Vol Rādān

Patron Lord of Sulyard

  • Born: 612 DR
  • Died: Alive

Vol Rādān is the nephew of the Lord Sulyard, Norín Rādān. He spent much of his childhood at family manors along the Platànya and Daráda Coasts where he was given the nickname “Çork”. Today, he is a sitting member of the Merchants’ Guild of Oð, as Patron Lord of Sulyard. The Rādān family fortune was likely instrumental in his business successes. The Bank of Sulyard, for which he serves as Master of Coffers, is one of the leading financial institutions in the City of Oð. Most loans, capital investments, money-changing, real estate, indentures, bookkeeping, and auctions performed in the Sulyard, are serviced by the Bank of Sulyard. The only conspicuous exceptions to Vol’s fiscal hegemony in the Sulyard, is the Kryçàryn port-of-entry and the underground market of the Fat Man.

Tressta’s notes: Probably mid-thirties, longish dark curling hair, perfumed and clean. A quiet customer who wore leather and velvet face masks. Tressta would meet Çork in Eldras, Sulyard at the Comely Sister Inn. She never encountered him outside the inn. On one occasion, she wandered outside his chambers and found a surly guard standing outside the door. The man wore a maille hauberk and held his helmet in the crook of an arm. He startled awake when the door opened and she quickly slipped back inside. She has a clear memory of the guard’s face. After some inquiries, Tressta learned that a “çork” is a local shorebird. Encounters: 3