Pryn Wōd of Ildûn
- Born: 588 DR
- Died: Alive
Hektor has lived on the north shore of Ildûn since before most can remember. Though he talks to few that see him, he mutters and whispers constantly in conspiratorial tones as if he is speaking to the wind’s thousand small ears. A strange nuisance to nearby communities, his scrawny legs and hiked-up robes and ringing bells have been seen and heard on many occasions, usually capering away with stolen pies or deer haunches. One angry villager caught Hektor years ago to confront him for some minor thievery. Hektor was seen running away with his robes hiked-up and the man was wounded with his hand fused into a wooden post.
Hektor was born to a poor couple in 588 DR. Their names are not remembered for they left young Hektor in a wood basket on the threshold of a farmer’s home, whose wife had recently given birth to one of he own. The couple raised Hektor as their own. At an early age it was evident that Hektor was not like the other children. He never learned to speak coherently and threw terrible tantrums whenever anyone tried to calm or teach him. Despite these difficulties the boy had an uncanny way with animals and was able to soothe panicked horses and call birds to land on an outstretched hand. A local wise woman visited the farm at the couple’s request and explained that the boy was besieged by spirits. She began a series of rituals and anointed him with expensive herbs to no positive effect.
Reaching adulthood, his adoptive parents grew worried that their special son would never be able to provide for himself for he couldn’t be taught a useful trade and had infuriated all of those who gave him a chance at employment. Eventually his parents died and the farm was given to the eldest born who in-turn evicted him. Hektor disappeared for five years; no one can account for where he went or who took care of him during that period. In 613 DR, strange things began to happen at Gordāin’s farm. First his cow and pigs escaped (or were stolen) and could not be found. Next, his vegetables were plagued with bugs and worms and his fields became overgrown with weeds that bloomed with stinking blossoms. Finally, the house burned to the ground one night from a strike of lighting, sending him and his family into the storm. The wise women gathered and spoke of Gordāin’s troubles and determined that he’d brought a curse upon himself and his family. The family was thereafter shunned and soon left the town for parts unknown. Days later, Hektor returned and he has not left in forty years.
At some point during Hektor’s disappearance he learned to weave the Skein. It can only be guessed that he met with some Druids who recognized his abilities and were able to instill in him some teachings where everyone had failed. Whatever the explanation, the seaside villages of North Ildûn now had a capricious spell-caster to contend with. In most communities, Hektor is viewed as a nuisance while others welcome his erratic visits. He has been known to heal ailing crops and animals, boost daily yields for unlucky fishermen, and reverse bleeding from grievous wounds and troubled childbirths. The most famous act attributed to Hektor was against a tax collector from the south lowlands. The story tells that while the collector and his soldiers were holding a meeting with the village-folk he talked to their horses and told them to carry their riders to the Cliffs Cor Borāiren. When the collector and his men were saddled, the horses took off toward the west shore stopping thumbs from the edges of those precipitous cliffs. So frightened were the riders by their possessed animals that they dismounted and walked home.
Hektor is not known to have any permanent possessions other than his wool robe.
male Yrūn Drd6 (Wōd); CR 6; Medium Humanoid; HD 6d8+12; hp 44; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); DR –/–; Atks +4 melee (Unarmed); Face/Reach 5 ft. x 5 ft.; SA Animal Companion, Nature Sense, Resist Nature’s Lure, Trackless Step, Wild Shape 2/day, Woodland Stride; AL N; Fort +7; Ref +3; Wil +7; Str 10; Dex 13; Con 14; Int 11; Wis 15; Cha 13; Height 5 ft. 8 in.; Weight 132 lb; Feats: Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility< Spring Attack; Skills: Speak Language (Late Ēōyn), Speak Language (Druidic), Animal Empathy 10, Handle Animal 7, Heal 6, Listen 4, Ride 4, Spot 4, Survival 11, Swim 3; Spells (5/4/4/2); Possessions: Wool Robe