
Traveling Bard

male Werrìd Kendar Brd3/Ftr2;CR 6; Medium/Large Shapechanger; HD 6d8+24; hp 57; Init +3 (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; 30 ft. as bear; AC 12 (+2 natural) or 19 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +7 natural) as bear; Atk ; +0 melee (unarmed strike 1d3 sub) or +11 melee (2 claws, 1d8+8 ea.) and +9 (bite, 2d8+4) as bear; Face/Reach 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. or 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 10 ft. as bear; SA Curse of the Lycanthrope (Su), Improved Grab (Ex); SQ Alternate Form (Ex), Bear Empathy (Ex), Damage Reduction (Ex), Scent (Ex); AL LG; Fort +11; Ref +6; Wil +5; Str 11/27; Dex 15/17; Con 14/22; Int 13; Wis 11; Cha 15; Height 6 ft. 3 in.; Weight 260 lb; Skills and Feats: (44) Balance +5, Climb +4, Intimidate +5, Control Shape +4, Listen +9, Perform (epic) +10, Read/Scribe, Search +4, Spot +12, Tumble +10 as Uren; Listen +11, Search +8, Spot +14, Swim +14 as bear; Dodge, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Trip, Mobility, Power Attack or Blind-Fight, Multiattack, Power Attack as bear; Special Qualities: Damage Reduction (Ex) 15/silver; Bard Spells Known (3/2) 0th – [Dancing Lights], [Daze], [Detect Magic], [Flare], [Mage Hand], [Read Magic]. 1st – [Charm Person], [Mirror Image], [Sleep].