Grīys Storn

Old Kryspàri Thief

  • Born: 588 DR
  • Died: 652 DR, City of Oð, Sulyard, Kryspar

Grīys was an old guard Derècauln thief. In his day, he was the most accomplished second-story professional in southern Oð. He claimed to have padded the halls of every keep, castle, and manor in the city and even entered and emerged from the bowels of Dægwùrdunjun. Few believed his tales of the latter. There are Merchant Guard ledgers indicating that he was incarcerated in four of the city’s prisons but never released from one. His favorite story regarded the theft of a veil-crafted Roði brooch and red cloak from a Visháshūni Craw Blūdur magician. The cloak was never found following his death in 652 DR.

Tressta’s notes: Old Derècauln thief who lived in Kryspar, Sulyard. Old unhealthy man with long straggles of gray hair. An unremarkable older customer who called for Tressta when he was dying. In his last moments, he asked Tressta to kill him and in exchange take his red Cloak of Shadows, which she did. Tressta visited the residence again at a later date and found it abandoned and empty. Encounters: 4