Tænār Virílli

Coins of Viríllis: Pūlær (0.1125d), Audær (0.90d), Talær (216d), Dragær (4,320d)

Post-Dekàlas coins of Viríllis are minted in Mirégil and Tirris. Coins dating to the Dekàli Empire can be found throughout the Illyri Peninsula. Contemporary Virílli coins are modeled after their Dekàli counterparts. Though the Virílli coins are smaller than their predecessors, the exchange rate has been preserved. Amateur collectors of Dekàli coins often mistake inferior Virílli copies for those of the Empire.

  • Pūlær. (0.1125d)
    • 8 Pūlær = 1 Audær
    • 1,920 Pūlær = 1 Talær
    • 11,520 Pūlær = 1 Dragær
  • Audær. (0.90d)
    • 1 Audær = 8 Pūlær
    • 240 Audær = 1 Talær
    • 4,800 Audær = Dragær
  • Talær. (216d)
    • 1 Talær = 1,920 Pūlær
    • 1 Talær = 240 Audær
    • 20 Talær = 1 Dragær
  • Dragær. (4,320d) The blue gold Dragær is a strikingly beautiful coin portraying the Dragul god Skarázdralègð. One Dragær is given to each Gorpryn Skaraz upon their elevation within the Kyrm Skàraz. The Skarázi high priests carry the coin with them at all times, often mounted within a medallion or inset upon a staff. Elevation coins are minted specifically for the Ritual of Elevation, and contain the name of the gorpryn beneath the image of Skaraz. The Gorpryn Skaraz are interred with these coins as well. The crypt of Kyrm Skàraz is believed to be the most secure tomb in the Old Empire. In 531 DR, a thief named Nēyne the Blind was caught with an elevation Dragær and was limbed and finally beheaded on the steps of Kyrm Skàraz. The coin belonged to a 3rd century DR Gorpryn Skaraz, but how the thief acquired it was never discovered. The thief’s head was lodged inside the maw of a statue of Skaraz outside the Temple. Her skull remains there to this day.
    • 1 Dragær = 38,400 Pūlær
    • 1 Dragær = 4,800 Audær
    • 1 Dragær = 20 Talær