Tænār Felhòrmorgrūmeð

Dwürden Coins of Teréðor

Travelers seldom consider the history buried beneath their feet as they traverse the Land of Teréðor. Now and again however an artifact or coin surfaces, forcing the finder to consider the past. While most treasure-hunters are happy to find Dekàli silvers, sometimes coins are found of such an ancient provenance that no one remembers the people that may have made them. The mortal Yrūn are particularly susceptible to such conundrums as they have difficulty conceiving that the land was inhabited long before their ancient civilizations rose and fell. In northern Teréðor, most of these coins were minted by the Dwürden kingdoms.

  • Glor Dün:
  • Nurúmwar Gurm:
  • Uldur Thän: Krü (copper), Balg (silver)