
Dekàlan Law

The Laws of Irāyn (i.e., Eshætan) are the basic principles upon which all Dekàlan law is based, derived from the testaments given to the faithful. The original code was much more simple. The Seven Laws should not be confused with the Nine Mysteries of Imèru. The revised code (also known as the Life-Rights) may be translated as:

  • Obedience to Crown and Scepter. There is no order without the acceptance and support of Crown and Scepter. Crown refers to all Lords and titled persons. Scepter refers to the leaders and doctrines of the Cults. A person that answers to these powers is considered obedient. Within the Cult of Kændlan, the scope of obedience is also given to parents, who serve as Crown and Scepter of their home. Within the Cult of Īrul and many militaries, the scope of obedience extends to a soldier’s chain of command.
  • Humility before Gods and Crown.
  • Loyalty to Land and Empire.
  • Duty toward Family and Friend.
  • Purity of Sweat and Blood. Land and country, flesh and family, are united by the hard-work and sacrifice of brothers, friends, and ancestors. This eternal effort has created a present that is both sacred and inseparable from the past. Half-hearted work and cowardly service is shameful to both self and family. Impurity, where punished, may result in marking of the dishonorable individual. Those bearing the Mark of Impurity are publicly shunned and are barred from common business.
  • Bravery versus Deceiver and Foe.
  • Strength of Spirit and Body.

A person found wanting of these principles can be put to death. Though not a common occurrence, the Cults have been known to use the principle of these Life-Rights to convict unsavory persons for whom evidence of wrong-doing has not been found. The principles themselves are kept vague to allow for such uses. Such judgments are excessive however, as only two transgressions are required to mark a heretic, and three to mark a traitor (both being reason for death or banishment, depending on the wealth of the convicted).

Laws of Oð

Within the borders of Oð there are three sets of laws, the Lord’s Law, Roð’s Law, and the Merchants’ Law. Of the three, the Merchants’ Law is most commonly applied and enforced. Merchants’ Law is legislated by the Merchants’ Guild, the most influential organization in the City of Oð with powerful connections throughout the Old Empire. Unlike the Lords’ Law, the Merchants’ Law benefits only companies and business interests. Civil cases may be brought before the Merchant Court, but only for a price. Criminal cases may be brought before the Merchant Court as well, but are rarely prosecuted unless the Lord is willing to remunerate costs.