First Kændàli House of Dō Mòrið

254-761 HK. First Kændàli House of Dō Mòrið.

The Dō Mòrið Dynasty of Kændal came into power following the abdication and death of Queen Erádēna I in 250 HK. Though the Kændàli Civil War had ended, tensions remained in the northern provinces (e.g., Pastar, Ōlood) where the High King’s armies had ruthlessly punished inhabitants. Rebels from the northern provinces had used the civil war to reclaim ethnic lands and promote separation from Kændal.

In response, Pastàri separatists began an insurrection against Kændal. Despite assistance from Pryr Sūdul to select a new Crown, the first three candidates were each assassinated before the Living Crown could be placed upon their heads. The second of these candidates was killed during her coronation. In 254 HK, the Pryr Kændlan organized the kidnapping of a reluctant older gentleman of Panæði descent. Exhausting ten horses in the process, they moved him by fast carriages into the countryside until they arrived at a small farm. Arranged there inside a cattle barn awaited a clandestine assembly. A congregation of peers stood along the walls and the Prydyrim Gor of Kændlan waited beneath the hay loft with the Living Crown in her hands. As she lowered the Crown onto his graying head, Kerāed sobbed. The Living Crown had become a death sentence. In this place and manner, the Third Dynasty of Kændal was begun.


  1. King Kerāed the First of Kændal. He was born circa 211 HK. Kerāed was the great-grandson of a wealthy Panæði merchant who had been banished from that city-state for tax evasion and other illicit dealings. During Kerāed I’s brief reign, there were many rumors suggesting that the Crown had ties to the Kændàli underworld. Many believed that the King’s connections kept him alive despite four assassination attempts (before 257 HK). He was crowned by the priests of Kændlan in 254 HK at a barn in rural Kændal. He married Lady Ostàlya Meráddēyn in 230 HK in the City of Kændal. He was killed by Pastàri assassins in the City of Fvēher in 257 HK, the sixth of his family to be killed since his Coronation. The Living Crown passed to his third son…
  2. King Ardūmor the First of Kændal. He was born 234 HK in Kændal. He was crowned by the priests of Kændlan in 257 HK at Kyrm Or’Kændlan. He married Lady Tanàdēa Lenor in 255 HK at Tnir Aryladæn in the City of Fvehēr. Ardūmor I spent the first four years of his reign in hiding, emerging for his first public appearance in 259 HK. While in hiding, the King enacted a post-war campaign in the northern provinces. Pastàri nobles were executed and replaced with Kændàli peers. Although remembered as unremarkable to Kændàlyr, the northern territories remember him as “The Butcher of Fvēher”. He died in 271 HK at Kry Kærdàgal, Kændal. The Living Crown passed to his first daughter…
  3. Queen Lāéra the Third of Kændal. She was born 255 HK in Kændal. She was crowned by the priests of Kændlan in 271 HK at Kyrm Or’Kændlan. A young woman at the time of her Coronation, Lāéra III spent many years searching for a husband. At one point, she traveled to her family’s ancestral home of Panæð, only to return with a tropical illness that settled in her lungs and robbed her of her voice. She married Lord Gasnàn Burnèðyrin in 283 HK but had no children. She died in 288 HK at Kry Kærdàgal, Kændal. The Living Crown passed to her brother…
  4. King Salóndor the First of Kændal. He was born 257 HK in Kændal. He was crowned by the priests of Kændlan in 288 HK at Kyrm Or’Kændlan. He married Lady Siléðea Diráden in 276 HK at Tnir Aryladæn in the City of Fvehēr. They had nine children. Their most famous child was Gormòron the Great, a Kændàli composer who was one of the inspirations for the Amri Dome of Music at Kyrm Or’Amra. Salóndor I was a great patron of arts and science, founding a great college in the City of Fvēher that still bears his name. He died in 296 HK at Kry Kærdàgal, Kændal. The Living Crown passed to his daughter…
  5. Queen Bonùra the First of Kændal. She was born 277 HK in Kændal. She was crowned by the priests of Kændlan in 296 HK at Kyrm Or’Kændlan. She married Lord Selv Harðak in 295 HK at Kyrm Or’Kændlan. Following the birth of her only child she murdered her husband and might have murdered the newborn heir if servants hadn’t removed the child to a nearby Temple for safekeeping. Immune from prosecution, the Queen spent the remaining years of her reign hunting the child. Though no hands were raised to stop her, she was vilified in the public eye. More than once the High Crown asked that she abdicate the Living Crown, but Bonùra would have none of it. Instead she promoted rumors that Erádēna I had been killed by the High Crown and that this was simply another attempt by Lanàdus to wrest power from Kændal. She was convinced that the House of Dō Mòrið was cursed, and that it was her holy obligation to bring it to an end. It was later learned from her journals, that she believed that the child was possessed by a Neðérim, and that it could only be killed by the mother of its flesh. The Cult of Kændlan shuffled the child from temple, to shrine, to monastery for twenty-three years. In 314 HK, Prince Ardūmor marched into Kry Kærdàgal and murdered his mother. Although the city-state was much relieved by her passing, rumors soon percolated that the Queen had been correct. The Living Crown passed to her son…
  6. King Ardūmor the Second of Kændal.
  7. Queen Loréāla the First of Kændal.
  8. Queen Salàyra the First of Kændal.
  9. King Depèer the First of Kændal.
  10. King Edun the First of Kændal.
  11. Queen Harpāen the Second of Kændal.
  12. Queen Nalùrēa the First of Kændal.
  13. Queen Laura the Fourth of Kændal.
  14. King Kandur the First of Kændal.
  15. Queen Salàyra the Second of Kændal.
  16. King Ardūmor the Third of Kændal.
  17. Queen Nalùrēa the Second of Kændal.
  18. Queen Hêla the First of Kændal.
  19. King Edun the Second of Kændal.
  20. King Kandur the Second of Kændal.
  21. King Edun the Third of Kændal.
  22. Queen Loréāla the Second of Kændal.
  23. King Māven the First of Kændal.
  24. King Drūédun the Second of Kændal. He died in 761 HK.