Tome of a Thousand Windows

This enigmatic book is believed to have been “written” in 10th century Ildûn, though its authors are unknown. The pages are rendered with elaborate High Davar, composed with a perfect hand. Some have speculated that the book was inscribed by an Eðérim. The book’s content is unknown. No illuminations have been found and reading the text is distracting to the point of futility. The reason for this is because every stroke of every letter of every word, mark, and punctuation is a window into a shifting scene. Each page acts as a perforated window into a landscape or scene, drawn from the memory or dreams of the reader. The images are so compelling that readers have been unable to cipher the text.

The tome was one of the great treasures of Kryr Trèmendūm before the Second Acèntyra-Dekàli War but was taken to Vulmùra shortly thereafter. Its current location is unknown.