The Inhuman North
The Ardùwū consists of the wide forested valley that lies within the northeastern reaches of Teréðor and the eastern coastline of the continent above the Nyr Dùrjin. The southern half of the valley is covered by the impenetrable Grim Drūden.
Regions, Geographic
- Coast of the Lost (e.g., Pirate Kingdoms)
- Grim Drūden (e.g., Avahrlyn)
- Nyr Dùrjin
Regions, Political
- Arynzalvya (e.g., Nazhàlað)
- Pirate Kingdoms
Cities, Towns, and Villages
Nomenclature: Arduwu Dekàlic: Ardùwū (place), Ardùwi (pertaining to), Ardùwyn (resident), Ardùwyr (people)