First Kændàli House of Hāérede

221-250 HK. First Kændàli House of Hāérede.

Remembered as one of the shortest and most incompetent Kændàli dynasties, the House of Hāérede survived one crown and is responsible for the First Kændàli Civil War.


  1. Queen Erádēna the First of Solūmal. She was born in 192 HK at Solūmal, Kændal. She married Lord Tærébes of Gidðir in 213 HK. She was crowned by the priests of Kændlan in 221 HK at Kyrm Or’Kændlan. Recognized as the most beautiful Kændàli queen, her beauty is the only thing she is well-remembered for. The first years of her reign were unremarkable. She had five children and except for official ceremonies, avoided public notice. In 236 HK, she Erádēna I made sweeping trade and tax reforms that incited the ire of farmers and merchants alike. It is unclear whether these changes were initiated by the Queen, the Temple, or pushed down from High King Saldāyr II. The most prosperous of the Dekàli states, it is possible that the High Crown had demanded higher levies on Kændal. Regardless, it was the Queen that was blamed. In 238 HK, storehouses belonging to the Crown were set afire in the ports of Kændal, Horkòral and Fvehēr with more to follow in smaller towns. The Queen’s army was mobilized to protect the Crown’s interests, spurring a number of small skirmishes over the next couple years. By 241 HK, a thriving underground market had emerged throughout the state. The Crown tried to stamp out these “fires” where found, but the organizations grew rapidly with popular support. In the Spring of 242 HK, the Queen’s Army began encountering merchant militias. In the Summer of 242 HK, an illegal merchant vessel leaving Termàrið was captured and burned in the ensuing conflict. News spread and the First Kændàli Civil War followed. The ranks of merchant militias swelled, as peasants took up arms against the Crown. Without clear battle-lines, the Queen’s armies were forced to retreat to Crown strongholds. Erádēna I left for Lanàdus to beg the High King’s support, but in her absence militiamen found her family’s refuge (where they had been disguised as peasants) and murdered her children. Lord Regent Tærébes began a scorched-earth campaign against militia strongholds, which included the torching of guild and merchant halls through Kændal. The Queen returned, under orders from Saldāyr II, with the High King’s forces in the Spring of 243 HK as Ummòni columns emerged from the Snaking Pass. The High King ordered that Erádēna I be sequestered in a mountain retreat while the Empire and Crown forces dealt with the uprising. The Lord Regent, her husband, stayed in Kændal to facilitate the High King’s will. Over the next eight years, the High Crown’s forces systematically covered the entire region, engaging and dismantling the merchant militias, extracting sworn allegiances to the Crown, and eradicating rebellious factions by means of magic and sword. In 250 HK, the Lord Regent was removed. Next, Erádēna I was returned to Kændal where she laid the Living Crown upon the empty throne, abdicating at sword-point. Erádēna the Last was escorted to the gates of Kry Kærdàgal and disappeared into the gathered crowds. The Pryr Kændal, following orders from the Council of Lanàdus, summoned the Cult of Sūdul to assist in the selection the next Kændàli ruler. In 254 HK, the Living Crown passed to House Dō Mòrið.