
Calendar of Dekàli Reckoning

The Calendar of Dekàli Reckoning has measured time since the Old Empire’s collapse in 7136 LR. Historians, nobles and other traditionalists still use the Old Empire’s calendar (HK) to measure time backward to its Dekàli roots in 5891 LR (accepted as the year the first High King was crowned at Tor Trèmendūm).



The months have not changed since the fall of the Old Empire (rf. Calendar of the High King).


The Old Empire calendars divided each month into 28 days. Each month was further divided into two weeks with two weekend days at either end, creating four day weekends. When referring to the month as a whole, these days are Monthturns and Midmonths. When referring to the days of a week, the days are named individually.

  1. (and 15.) Ild. Aldynor; Jæd. Aldor; Oð. Alídor (weekend)
  2. (and 16.) Ild. Kændynor; Jæd. Kændor; Oð. Kændor (weekend)
  3. (and 17.) Ild. Malynor; Jæd. Malor; Oð. Malídor
  4. (and 18.) Ild. Amrynor; Jæd. Amor; Oð. Amdor
  5. (and 19.) Ild. Wōdynor; Jæd. Wōdor; Oð. Wōdìndor
  6. (and 20.) Ild. Ildynor; Jæd. Ildor; Oð. Iyldor
  7. (and 21.) Ild. Īrùlynor; Jæd. Īrùlor; Oð. Īrídor
  8. (and 22.) Ild. Roðynor; Jæd. Rodor; Oð. Roydor
  9. (and 23.) Ild. Sūdynor; Jæd. Sūdor; Oð. Sūdìdor
  10. (and 24.) Ild. Talynor; Jæd. Talor; Oð. Talídor
  11. (and 25.) Ild. Padynor; Jæd. Pador; Oð. Padídor
  12. (and 26.) Ild. Berdynor; Jæd. Berdor; Oð. Bærídor
  13. (and 27.) Ild. Virynor; Jæd. Virínor; Oð. Virídor (weekend)
  14. (and 28.) Ild. Palynor; Jæd. Palìnor; Oð. Palídor (weekend)
