
The Azàlyr worshiped a pantheon of gods that were believed to guide people through the stages and challenges of life. Each Cult was represented by a Shrine where the god would speak to pilgrims through the vessel of Speaker. Speakers were believed to utter the words of the god, and give the faithful useful advice that would help them along to subsequent stages. At the end of life, the faithful were believed to be judged the Ajmìralan as a whole. If they had learned all they could from their life they were elevated into the Eternal Promise. If they were found to have squandered their life they were turned to sand, and their soul destroyed. If they were found to have tried but not found enlightenment, they were reincarnated and given the chance to try again.

With the success of Shiráddam, the Cult of Ajmìralan became very corrupt. The Passage of stages were eventually sold to patrons who could not be bothered to seek enlightenment in the traditional means. The Cult quickly grew very wealthy and was able to build fantastic temples throughout the kingdom. More and more the teachings that made the Cult a positive force within the ancient world, became secondary to its pursuit of wealth. The change was evident to those that had devoted their lives to entering the Eternal Promise, and revolts arose throughout Azal. The Cult would not submit until the Zalànite Rebellion of 5 AR. The rebellion began with priests being dragged into the streets and murdered by mobs. It reached its climax when the High Speaker of Ajmir confessed that the God of Insight had not spoken through him for many years and that his prophecies had been dictated by a council of temple elders and businessmen. This created a great schism within the Temple, turning priest and against priest in a bloody conflict that resulted in the collapse of the Cult.

  • Cult of Ajàl’an (god of destinations, travel)
  • Cult of Ajmir (god of insight, wisdom)
  • Cult of Jarbir (god of age, dignity)
  • Cult of Katàra (god of luck, good fortune)
  • Cult of La (god of tolerance, hospitality)
  • Cult of Nir Mìraj (god of obstacles, challenges)
  • Cult of Ojmàdir (god of health, longevity)
  • Cult of Saljìr’an (god of peace, fulfillment)
  • Cult of Sirad (god of paths, choices)

Nomenclature: Ajmiralan Dekàlic: Ajmìralan (pantheon), Ajmìrali (pertaining to), Ajmìralyn (member), Ajmìralyr (members)