
The Night Stalker

Semàtir the Stalker is believed to walk the dark streets and alleys of Teréth End, teaching the lost and desperate the skills necessary to thrive. Few useful descriptions exist of this “angel of thieves” as he is thought to assume forms that enable him to blend into the surrounding culture. For this and other reasons, the faithful of Semàtir are accomplished masters of disguise. The only item that is constant among his forms is his legendary black dagger skardalthir which occasionally finds its way into the hands of others until quests of particular importance are completed in his name.

The symbols of Semàtir are a severed hand, a dagger, a moon, or a jackal, but variations on these icons are also used. In ancient times, Semàtir was believed to have been mortal, and his left-hand has cut off for thievery. Zalan is believed to have taken pity on the young man and schooled him in the ways of the shadowy arts. When he had mastered the arts, Zalan presented him with skardàlðir, which had been created for him by the artificer Ættràkar. The black dagger is believed to wound whomever it strikes and the dark wounds it carves can never be healed.

Among divine aspects, Semàtir has the second largest following in Dekàlas (second only to Rûn). The group exists under many different names throughout the ancient region including: the Shadow Order (Panæð), the Order of the Black Dagger (Æzàlar, Jædð and regions east), the Watchmen (Kændal and the Fertile Coast), the Night Walkers (Snaking Pass and Zyrr) and the Shemūlāe (Ildûn). Suspected connections to the Oðic Poisoners’ Guild are unsubstantiated. In their home region of Æzàlar, the cult’s main adversary is the Caphàri Zin Vìræl. Where it does exist within the ancient Empire, the cult’s members enjoy some courtesies from local temples and governments as representatives and ambassadors of Zalan in those lands. In exchange for this tolerance, they are expected to serve the local Temple at times, as spies and assassins. Semàtiran organizations are not known in Lanàdus or Taldàna, but individual followers are believed to operate there.

The Orders

  • Order of the Night Walkers
  • Order of Skardàlðir. The Order of the Black Dagger (Order of Skardàlðir) may be the most notorious of the Orders of Semàtir. Bearing the symbol of the dagger and moon, the Order is comprised of assassins and thieves stretching from the trading port of Æzàlar to the southern reaches of Jædð. Followers of the Order however are more than just thieving miscreants, they are unholy soldiers crusading to uphold the master’s law of ownership that treasures belong to those who desire them most. The Order demands honor among its members, and expects that more accomplished and successful thieves should aid and tutor recruits. The highest ranking members within the Order receiving the Blessing of the Master (Semàtir) are inducted into the Werrid. Haphazard or random inductions into the Blessing are frowned upon and these members are excommunicated from the Order, if not killed.
  • Order of the Watchmen
  • Shadow Order
  • Shemūlāe

The Priesthood

Daily Activities

Holy Days and Rituals

Places of Worship

Nomenclature: Sematir Dekàlic: Semàtir (aspect), Semàtiri (pertaining to), Semàtiryn (follower), Semàtiryr (followers), Pryn Sèmatìr (priest), Pryr Sèmatìr (priests)