Great Shūlū

The Lyràsti Jungle

One of the most unforgiving places on Teréth End are the jungles of the Great Shūlū. Deep within the thick foliage, indissoluble mists, and ever-changing depths lie the buried and forgotten battlegrounds where the first Yrūn fought for their very existence. At the end of the Second Age, Yrūn survival was far from guaranteed, but it was here that they made their first foothold in the larger world. Before the discovery of da char and rise of the Urzar Empire, the emergent Yrūn must have seemed a hopeless cause. Both the Eylfāe and Dwürden noted the new race’s primitive settlements on the southern shores of Lyrast, but neither bothered to assist them against the predatory Ikìtikírittik. These events are described in more detail elsewhere.

Regions, Geographic

  • Cirínūlik
  • Shūlūni Delta (e.g., Dirínjik)
  • Tarácka

Regions, Political

Cities, Towns, and Villages


